玛丽·普莱蒂斯(Mary Polites)is co-director of BiDL(Biomimetic Design Lab)at the Design& Innovation College(D&I)at TongjiUniversity in Shanghai, China. Sheis also co-founder and director ofMAPS(Methods for the Architectureof Patterns and Systems), a designcollective specialized in design solutionsfor the integration of human andnatural systems at all scales. She holdsa master's degree in architecture fromthe Emergent Technologies and Designprogram(EmTech)at the LondonArchitectural Association(AA), andan accredited professional bachelor'sdegree in architecture from NewJersey Institute of Technology. She hastaught at Washington State Universityunder the Weller Fellowship, and asan assistant professor at D&I, whereshe led studios and seminars related tobiomimetics and environmental design.Since 2014 she has been a tutor forunits at the Architectural AssociationVisiting School Programs in Shanghai,Xixinan, Shenzhen and Guatemala. Hercurrent work and research focus on theintersection of environmental sciencewith computational tools exploringmaterial and architectural design.