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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语燃气轮机专业英语



定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 杨家龙
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
丛编项: 杨家龙
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787566121523 出版时间: 2018-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 86 字数:  






Lesson 1 How Does a Gas Turbine Work燃气轮机是如何工作的
1.1 Text
1.2 New words and expessions in text
1.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 2 Components组成部件
2.1 Text
2.2 New words and expessions in text
2.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 3 Open.cycle Single-shaft and Twin-shaft Arrangements开式循环单轴和双轴结构布局
3.1 Text
3.2 New words and expessions in text
3.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 4 Multi—spool Arrangement多轴结构布局
4.1 Text
4.2 New words and expessions in text
4.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 5 Closed Cycles闭式循环
5.1 Text
5.2 New words and expessions in text
5.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 6 Aircraft Propulsion航空器推进
6.1 Text
6.2 Nes words and expessions in text
6.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 7 Industrial Applications工业应用
7.1 Text
7.2 New words and expessions in text
7.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 8 Marine and Land Transportation Applications海洋与陆地运输应用
8.1 Text
8.2 New words and expessions in text
8.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 9 Environmental Issues环境问题
9.1 Text
9.2 New words and expessions in text
9.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 10 Gas Turbine Design Procedure燃气轮机设计步骤
10.1 Text
10.2 New words and expessions in text
10.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 11 Some Future Possibilities in Application将来可能的应用
11.1 Text
11.2 New words and expessions in text
11.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 12 Accessories附属系统
12.1 Text
12.2 New words and expessions in text
12.3 Paraphrase of difficult sentences
Lesson 13 Gas Turbine Controls燃气轮机控制
13.1 Text
