第一集 简易短小的二声部小品
1.万事开头难(It's always hard to begin)
2.开始(One to start)
4.休止,休止?只有休止符?(Rests,rests?Nothing but rests})
5.活泼的男孩(The lively boy)
6.八分休止符(Quaver rests)
8.乖乖睡,我的宝贝(Hushaby.my baby)
9.摇篮曲(Cradle Song)
10.手指的“钻”和“越”(Fingers under and over)
12.两个窝囊废(The two invalids)
13.善良的人(A nice man)
14.倒置的波音(Inverted mordents)
15.谁会介意在闲暇时幻想呢?(Who would bother with idle fancies?)
17.我是如此无趣而乏味(I am so dull and ill)
18.短倚音(Short appoggiaturas)
19.孩子们的叙事曲(Children's ballad)
20.这里并没有伟大的艺术(No great art is here)
22.短小的芭蕾(A little ballet)
23.软心肠的人(A soft—hear。ted man)
25.好心肠的人(A kind man)
26.八度进行(In octayes)
27.感到悲伤(Sad feelings)
28.演奏竖琴的歌手(The singer with a harp)
29.睡吧,我的宝贝,睡吧(Sleep,my baby,sleep)
第二集 进阶二声部小品
31.童年岁月(Childhood years)
32.双倚音(Double appoggiaturas)
34.年轻人高昂的精神(Youthful high spirits)
35.小步舞曲就该如此(As it really should be)
38.加洛普舞曲(There it goes at full gallop)
40.古老的歌(An old song)
41.同第35首(Like No.35)
42.古老城堡中的回声(The echo in an ancient castle)
43.小回旋曲(Miniature rondo)
44.黑暗森林中骑士的垂饰(A pendant to the knight in the darkening wood)
46.稳健而高昂的精神(Moderate high spirits)
47.号角和回声(Horns and their echo)
48.切分音符(Syncopated notes)
49.年轻人的幸福(Youthful happiness)
50.只有蠢人才会在闲暇时幻想(Only fools have idle fancies)
51.德国歌曲(German song)
52.孩子们的芭蕾(Children's ballet)
53.高昂的精神(A cheerful spirit)
54.舞蹈皇后(The queen of dances)
55.黑暗森林中的骑士之歌(Song of a knight in the darkening wood)
56.时间在逗乐和调情中逝去(Time vanishes in ioking and flirting)
57.漫不经心地演奏是我们的工作(Strumming is part of our iob)
58.你是我的安慰,你的心灵是我隐居的处所(Be thou my comfort,silent solitude)
59.“四张梅花?过!”(“Four clubs?Pass!”)
60.听那愚笨的人毫无章法地演奏!(Hark to the strumming of a poor bungler!)
第三集 三个声部以上的小品
61.练习三度和六度音程(For practising thirds and sixths)
62.三度和六度音程练习(Exercise in thirds and sixths)
63.无忧无虑的幸福(Carefree happiness)
64.年轻人的舞蹈(The young people dance)
65.哀痛(In mourning)
66.月光中的摇篮曲(A cradlesong by moonlight)
67.步兵进行曲(Infantry March)
68.智慧引领幸福(Wisdom teaches happiness)
69.纺织歌(Spinning song)
70.终有一天,当我逝去(One day,when I am dead)
71.小步舞曲本不该如此(As it really shouldn't be)
72.小人国里的小人儿们(For little people in Lilliput)
74.旋律如此美好(Sweet was the melody)
75.如临大敌(Youthfully alert)
76.高贵和典雅(Dignity and elegance)
77.坚定而伟岸的男子汉(A firm,manly character)
78.简约的伟大(Noble simplicity)
79.感觉事态有些严重(Serious feelings)
80.我们只是乱了舞步(We merrily mingle the dancing lines)
81.阅兵游行(Military parade—march)
82.庄重而严肃(Solemn and serious)
83.跃动的舞者(The leaping dancer)
84.那些让人苦恼的八度!(Those wretched octaves!)
85.像一首庄重而又高贵的赞美诗(Like a solemn and dignified chorale)
86.在朋友的坟墓旁,我得到安慰(Comfort beside a friend's grave)
87.轻快的歌(A light song)
88.我们舞蹈直到地板都在颤抖(We dance till the floor shakes)
89.音乐即兴(A musical impromptu)
90.丧钟和葬礼赞美诗(Passing—bell and funeral hymn)
第四集 复杂织体的小品
91.双手交叉演奏(Crossing hands)
92.最谦卑地题献给右手小指(Dedicated most humbly to the right—hand little finger)
93.双手切分音型和经过句练习(Syncopations and passage—work for both hands)
94.农夫进行曲(Peasant's march)
96.怀着感恩而庄重的心(Graceful and stately)
97.今天我感到如此愉悦(I shall be happy,SO happy today)
98.像小鹿一样敏捷(As swift as a deer)
99.温柔的爱人(Tender lovers)
100.三连音、五连音、六连音和七连音(Triplets,quintuplets,sextuplets and septuplets)
101.向四周鼓掌致意(Clap your hands and whirl around)
102.献给女士们(For the ladies)
103.同音换指(Changing fingers)
104.在庄重的宴会上(At a solemn feast)
105.庄严而动人(Solemn and moving)
107.以现代的方式诠释(In the present style)
108.他的演奏很有绅士风范,又富有表现力(His playing was gentle and expressive)
109.得到宽慰而感到舒心(Grief and comfort)
110.那个倔强的人(The perverse one)
111.圆圈舞(They dance in a ring)
112.隆重的仪式(A solemn ceremony)
113.只为敏锐的演奏者而作(Only for sensitive players)
114.左手练习(For the left hand)
115.谁快乐,谁就是国王(He who happy is,is king)
116.声望卓著的歌手(An accomplished singer)
117.别哭泣,我们还会再相聚(Do not weep,we'll meet again)
118.令我起舞(This makes me want to dance)
119.手指练习(For the fingers)
120.好的开始是成功的一半(A good start is half the battle)