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世界学术经典系列·论法的精神(英文版 导读注释版)

世界学术经典系列·论法的精神(英文版 导读注释版)

定 价:¥188.00

作 者: [法] 孟德斯鸠 著,尚绮 导读 注释,尚绮 注
出版社: 上海译文出版社
丛编项: 世界学术经典系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787532783144 出版时间: 2020-03-01 包装: 精装
开本: 32开 页数: 770 字数:  


  《论法的精神》是孟德斯鸠*重要也是影响*大的一部著作,被认为是自亚里士多德之后第一本综合性的政治学著作。它以政治、法律为中心,广涉经济、社会、宗教、伦理、历史、地理等方面,是一部法学的百科全书。 全书分上下两册,共六卷三十一章。上册集中阐述作者的思想,如三权分立理论、政体与法律的关系、地理环境决定论等;下册则重在历史与考证,考证了法国历史上民法的罗马法与日耳曼法的渊源与流变,以及法国封建法律理论与封建君主制。作者在该书中不是在单纯地研究法律,而是试图阐述法的精神,即揭示各种社会现象以及自然现象自身的性质、状态及其对法律的影响。在孟德斯鸠看来,各国的法律背后都隐藏着各种相关的社会现象和自然现象。这些社会现象和自然现象的性质和状态都对法律存在着影响关系,它们就像灵魂、精神一样主宰着法律,此即“法的精神”。该书所阐述的政治法律思想对后世的政治法律实践有着深远的影响,对各国资产阶级政治和法律制度的确立及完善起到了极大的作用。美国独立战争中的《独立宣言》以及《美国宪法》、法国大革命中《人权宣言》都曾深受其影响。孟德斯鸠也因为这部著作被后世认为是社会学、政治学以及比较法学的创始人。




导 读
Author’s foreword
BOOK 1 On laws in general
BOOK 2 On laws deriving directly from the nature of the government
BOOK 3 On the principles of the three governments
BOOK 4 That the laws of education should be relative to the principles of the government
BOOK 5 That the laws given by the legislator should be relative to the principle of the government
BOOK 6 Consequences of the principles of the various governments in relation to the simplicity of civil and criminal laws, the form of judgments, and the establishment of penalties
BOOK 7 Consequences of the different principles of the three governments in relation to sumptuary laws, luxury, and the condition of women
BOOK 8 On the corruption of the principles of the three governments
BOOK 9 On the laws in their relation with defensive force
BOOK 10 On laws in their relation with offensive force
BOOK 11 On the laws that form political liberty in its relation with the constitution
BOOK 12 On the laws that form political liberty in relation to the citizen
BOOK 13 On the relations that the levy of taxes and the size of public revenues have with liberty
BOOK 14 On the laws in their relation to the nature of the climate
BOOK 15 How the laws of civil slavery are related with the nature of the climate
BOOK 16 How the laws of domestic slavery are related to the nature of the climate
BOOK 17 How the laws of political servitude are related to the nature of the climate
BOOK 18 On the laws in their relation with the nature of the terrain
BOOK 19 On the laws in their relation with the principles forming the general spirit, the mores, and the
manners of a nation
BOOK 20 On the laws in their relation to commerce, considered in its nature and its distinctions
BOOK 21 On laws in their relation to commerce, considered in the revolutions it has had in the world
BOOK 22 On laws in their relation to the use of money
BOOK 23 On laws in their relation to the number of inhabitants
BOOK 24 On the laws in their relation to the religion established in each country, examined in respect
to its practices and within itself
BOOK 25 On the laws in their relation with the establishment of the religion of each country, and
of its external police
BOOK 26 On the laws in the relation they should have with the order of things upon which they are to enact
BOOK 27 ONLY CHAPTER On the origin and revolutions
of the Roman laws on inheritance
BOOK 28 On the origin and revolutions of the civil laws among the French
BOOK 29 On the way to compose the laws
BOOK 30 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franks in their relation with the establishment of the
BOOK 31 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franks in their relation to the revolutions of their monarchy
