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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化地域文化一个人的湘西辞典(英文版)



定 价:¥80.00

作 者: 彭学明 著,蒋林,汤敬安,刘汝荣 编,刘彩霞 译
出版社: 南京大学出版社
丛编项: 武陵译学丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787305199424 出版时间: 2020-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 401 字数:  






The Past and Present of Xiangxi(Preface)
Part I
Strolling Among Flowers——Tahuahua Activity
Bordered Love Field
Dancing Hands
Dancing for the Ancestors
Singing Bandhnu
Laosicheng Tusi Domain——The Epitome of a Thousand-year Tusi Kingdom of the Tujia People
Picking Mr. Right
Knife Ladder Climb
Beauty Failing in Love with the Cave God
The Sound of Celebration
Village Drama
Bride's Weeping
Gu-Releasing in Xiangxi as I Know and Understand It
Treading Embroidered Shoes
Lover's Grass Mark
Tiaoma Festival——Dancing Horse Festival
36,000 Letters Sent from the Past to the Future
Daqinjia——Claiming Nominal Kinship
Songs of Tima
Ganqiu Festival——Autumn Gathering
Leisure Talk
Departed Ones Walking Home
Teasing Young Lads
Sisters Meeting in Spring
Xiangxi: Its Scenery, Custom and People
Wild Onion-Picking Day
Drum Dance
Atmosphere of the Spring Festival in Xiangxi
Part II
Forever Fenghuang Town
Baihe River
Border Town
Scenery in Guzhang County
Baojing County
Zhangjiajie Ink-and-Wash Painting
Water of Mengdong River
Sangzhi County
The Songs on the Stones
Walking to the Upper River
When Autumn Comes, Take Me Home, Country Road
Villages on the Riverside
Furong Town
Huanglong Cave: A Wonderland
Night View of Tianping Mountain
Spring of the Lishui River
Walking in Miao Villages
Autumn-harvest Sanban (Opera Section in Free Rhythm)
Pastoral Poems
Running Water
Part III
My Old Mother Devoted to the Croplands
My Old Mother Moving into the City from a Small Village
My Folks Are Not Bandits
A Long Way Back Home
People in the Stilt Houses
Women Carrying Sand from the Youshui River
Song of My Father's Life as a Sedan-chair Bearer
Defending Farmland
Biography of Song Zuying
Fleeting Time
Xiangxi Women
Apologies to My Two Hometowns(Postscript)
