本系列主要精选中国古诗词,英汉对照,注有拼音,并配以与诗意相近的中国传统绘画,内容与形式相得益彰,诗情画意中反映出中华民族独特的审美理想和文化精神,向世界展示中华民族的诗画交融的独特艺术成就,让世界读者共享中国文化之美。英文部分主要采用的是北大著名翻译大家许渊冲先生的译作,特别适合喜爱中国传统文化的国外读者阅读。 《诗经》是中国一部诗歌总集,分为“风”、“雅”、“颂”三部分,共计160篇。作品以抒情诗为主流,兼有叙事诗、讽刺诗、歌谣等形式。运用了赋、比、兴表现手法,具有很高的艺术成就,对后世文学创作产生了深远的影响。 《精选诗经与诗意画》选取了《诗经》里的51首诗歌,都是《诗经》中具有代表性的作品。加以拼音注释和英文翻译版,让中外诗歌爱好者都能感受它的魅力。书中所选的绘画作品大多出自历代画师名家之手,是不可多得的艺术珍品,对于理解《诗经》的内容,体会作品的意境有非常大的帮助。 The Book of Poetry, China’s first ancient poem collections, was compiled around the 6th Century BC, and roughly contemporary with the epics Iliad and Odyssey by Homer of ancient Greece. It gives a vivid description of various aspects of social life at that time, mirrors the sufferings of the people brought about by war and heavy corvee, and extols their pursuing love and freedom. In history it had become a tradition to illustrate the Book of Poetry with pictures or produce works of art themed on its poems owing to the book’s charm and reputation.