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水利水电工程水文计算规范:SL 278-2002

水利水电工程水文计算规范:SL 278-2002

定 价:¥118.00

作 者: 中国水利水电出版社 编
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787517079224 出版时间: 2019-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 51 字数:  




暂缺《水利水电工程水文计算规范:SL 278-2002》作者简介


Introduction to English Version
1 General Provision
2 Basic Data
2.1 Collection and Processing of Basic Data
2.2 Review and Assessment of Basic Data
3 Runoff
3.1 Basic Requirements on Runoff Computation and Analysis
3.2 Computation of Runoff Restored to Original Condition
3.3 Interpolation and Extrapolation of Runoff Time Series
3.4 Representativeness Analysis of Runoff Data Series
3.5 Runoff Computation and Analysis
3.6 Low Flow Computation and Analysis
3.7 Runoff Computation and Analysis in Snowmelt Recharge Regions
3.8 Runoff Computation and Analysis in Karst Regions
3.9 Groundwater Computation and Analysis Sediment
4 Sediment
4.1 Computation and Analysis of Suspended Load
4.2 Computation and Analysis of Bed Load
5 Stage and Stage-dischage River Stage
5.1 Analysis and Computation of River Stage
5.2 Analysis and Computation of Tidal Level
5.3 Determination of Stage-discharge Relationship
6 Meteorological Factors, Water Surface Evaporation, Water Temperature and Ice Regime
6.1 Statistical Analysis of Main Meteorological Factors
6.2 Analysis and Computation of Water Surface Evaporation
6.3 Analysis and Computation of Water Temperature
6.4 Analysis and Computation of Ice Regime
7 System of Hydrologic Data Acquisition and Forecasting
7.1 Planning of Hydrologic Data Acquisition for Construction Period
7.2 Hydrological Telemetry System for Operation Period
Annex A Item-by-item Investigation Method for Runoff Restored to Original Condition
Annex B Major Hydro-geological Parameters
Annex C Conversion Coefficient of Water Surface Evaporation for E-601 Type Evaporation Pan
Annex D Analysis and Computation of Water Temperature
D.1 Identification of Water Temperature Distribution in Reservoirs
D.2 Computation of Vertical Water Temperature Distribution
Annex E Analysis and Computation of Ice Regime
E.1 Computation of Ice Thickness
E.2 Computation of Total Amount of Slush Ice Run
E.3 Computation of Location of the Zero-temperature Cross section
Explanation of Wording
