Chapter I: Introduction002
1. What Is Intellectual Property? 004
1. 什么是知识产权?
2. IP Rights: the Tools of IP Strategy006
2. 知识产权中的各类权利:实施知识产权战略的工具
A. Patents006
A. 专利
B. Copyrights010
B. 著作权
C. Trademarks/Brands012
C. 商标 / 品牌
D. Trade secrets014
D. 商业秘密
Chapter II: The Goals of IP Strategy: Building, Preserving and Defending
Revenue Streams018
Markets, Products and IPs. 020
A. IP Rights cover products or (usually) product features/components022
A. 知识产权涵盖产品或(通常情况下)产品特征 / 组件
B. Markets for Components026
B. 组件市场
C. Identifying Competitive Threats032
C. 识别竞争威胁
D. Other Strategic Risks040
D. 其他战略风险
Chapter III: Strategic Cost-Benefit Analysis for IP Assets 060
1. Thinking in terms of IP portfolios060
1. 从知识产权组合的角度来考虑
2. Keeping portfolios in balance with revenue streams 068
2. 保持知识产权组合与收入流的平衡
A. An International Trademark Example070
A. 一个跨国商标案例
B. Sample cost-benefit analysis: Revisiting the auto light cover086
B. 成本—效益分析:重新审视汽车灯罩案例
Chapter IV: Global Balance in IP Portfolios 150
1. Global Balance: Comparing Your Company to Competitors 152
1. 全球平衡: 将公司与竞争对手进行比较
2. Business Activities and Regional IP Holdings 166
2. 商业活动和知识产权的区域性持有
3. Advanced Regional Balance Issues178
3. 更深层次的区域平衡问题
4. Acquiring IP in a Competitor’s Home Country 184
4. 在竞争对手的母国获取知识产权
5. Strategies for the Sequencing of International Patent Filings 186
5. 国际专利申请中的排序战略
6. Filing National Stage Applications: Exercising PCT “National Options” 202
6. 提交国家阶段申请:行使 PCT“国家选择”
Chapter V: The Unique Field of Global Trademark Strategy 210
1. Basic Trademark Strategy214
1. 基础商标战略
2. Product Classes and Trademark Registration 218
2. 产品类别及商标注册
3. Advanced Strategy: Branching Out from a Parent Brand 228
3. 高级战略: 从母品牌向外扩展
Chapter VI: Defensive and Offensive Strategies 236
第六章: 防御性和进攻性战略
1. Defensive Strategy: Defending Revenue Streams With IP Rights 236
1. 防御性战略:利用知识产权保护收入流
A. Covering Your Product’s Components and Product Features238
A. 知识产权应当涵盖产品组件和产品特征
B. Acquiring Other Companies’s Patents to Enhance Your Portfolio 248
B. 通过收购专利增强企业的专利组合
C. No Easy Defense Against Patent “Trolls” 258
C. 对付专利“流氓”并非易事
D. Patent Pledges and Open Source (Open Patent) Commitments270
D. 专利承诺和开源(开放专利)承诺
E. Patent Litigation Insurance278
E. 专利诉讼保险
F. Acquiring Other Company’s Patents: A Case Study282
F. 获得其他公司的专利:案例研究
G. Recording Systems & Bona Fide Purchaser292
G. 登记系统和善意购买人
2. Offensive Strategy: Licensing and Litigation, etc. 296
2. 进攻性战略 : 许可和诉讼等
A. Taking the “IP Bridge” to a new stage of growth296
A. 用“知识产权之桥”将公司推向新的发展阶段
B. Funding Research and Development with Aggressive Licensing and Occasional
Litigation: The IBM/Microsoft Model300
B. 通过积极的许可和偶尔的诉讼来资助研发:IBM / Microsoft
C. Designing the Licensing/Litigation Campaign302
C. 设计许可 / 诉讼活动
D. Litigation Finance306
D. 诉讼融资
Chapter VII: Implementation of IP strategy 310
1. Designing Efficient Workflow: Planning and Organizing the IP Process 312
1. 设计高效的工作流程:规划和组织知识产权流程
A. The Importance of timing314
A. 时间的重要性
B. Integrating IP Experts With Other Company Personnel322
B. 将知识产权专家与公司其他人员整合
2. Outside the IP Committee: Task-Specific Interaction or Groups 350 2. 知识产权委员会之外:特定任务的互动或执行团队
A. Drafting Patents: R&D/Product Development Interaction with Patent Drafters350
A. 专利撰写: 研发 / 产品开发与专利撰写人的互动
B. Planning for acquisitions and spinoffs: due diligence, portfolio integration, etc. 354
B. 收购和剥离计划:尽职调查、知识产权组合的整合等
3. Allocation of labor: Inside vs. Outside Lawyers and Professionals 356
3. 工作分配:内部与外部律师以及专业人士
4. Researching effective outside counsel (outcome databases etc.) 362
4. 寻找有效的外部法律顾问 (成果数据库等)
5. Planning tools364
5. 规划工具
Chapter VIII: A Business-Oriented IP Department 370
第八章: 以商业为导向的知识产权部门
1. IP Department: typical growth path370
1. 知识产权部门: 典型的成长路径
A. Hiring Chief IP Counsel: Cost Considerations376
A. 聘请首席知识产权律师:成本考虑
B. Skills to Look For380
B. 需要寻求的技能
2. In-house versus Outside Counsel Work384
2. 内部律师与外部律师的工作对比