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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 郑慧谋
出版社: 四川人民出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787220114571 出版时间: 2019-08-01 包装:
开本: 其他 页数: 384 字数:  




  作者:郑慧谋(Tay Whee Mong),新加坡籍,常居中国苏州。《英语沙龙》杂志特约撰稿人、不错靠前汉语教师,熟悉英文与中文的语言背景,行文风趣幽默,为读者提供语言学习的另一个视角。作者自我简介如下:新加坡籍,男性,微产阶级,身世飘零,喜着男装。其为人也:正气横溢,狷介不阿;道貌岸然,风度翩翩;慈悲为怀,逆来顺受;眼高手低,耳长气短;作品有限,诲人无数;生吃鱼虾,滴酒不沾;拘谨腼腆,不苟言笑。


002/出入自由 A Dream Prison for All Criminals
004/三观尽毁 Ass Luck
006/刀枪不入 Australian Gongfu
008/“到处”之冏 A Typical Manifestation of Dear Chinglish
010/鸡肋 A Charitable Way to treat Your Husband
012/既生姐 何生弟 A Story of Mr. P And His Sister
014/泥做的 All Men Are Dirty Brothers
016/女也不爽 A Story of Indecent Demonstration
018/扑朔迷离 A Mystery of WC
020/“人妖”歪传 A Shemale Saga
022/撒娇 Anger Takes All
024/此地有银三百两 A Tribute to My Favorite Cop
026/生死有别 A Matter of Life And Death
028/“体罚性管制”A Car Park Run by Boxers
030/天花乱坠 An Unexplainable Cultural Difference
032/童言无忌 A Fun-Filled Election Campaign Slogan
034/唯有杜康 A Tribute to Alcohol
036/无字牌 A Story of Fishy Transformation
038/象图文字 A Pictorial Message of The Fun Kind
040/哮天犬 A Tale of Fairy Dogs
042/杂技学院 Acrobatic College of The Thai Kind
044/自虐软件 A Computer Program of The Torture Kind
048/防盗 style Being Offensive Is The Best of Defence
050/鸟话 Bird Language
052/踢人最乐 Baby Footballer
054/危险动物 Beware of Men
056/以退为进 Being Offensive Is The Best of All Defence
060/持之以恒 Consistency Is The Best Policy
062/顾客全是笨蛋 Customers Are Just Dogs Not Gods
064/“国粹”Cultural Heritage at Its Worst
066/监守自盗 Cops are Just Human Beings After All
068/唯大英雄能本色 Chicken Rights
070/学而优则贪 Being Offensive Is The Best of All Defence
072/游街示众 Cheater Show in Bangkok
076/毒酒满杯 Drinks Produce Dreams
078/浑身是胆 Dreadful Bread
080/货不对板 Delicious Crap
082/梦游 Do Not Sleep When Your Hair Is Wet
084/双头奇案 Double-Headed
086/死有对证 Dead Man Speaks
088/位移 Displacement
092/目标明显 Easy Targets
094/危言耸听 Embarrassing Advertisement
098/屁票 Farting Permit
100/赏罚不明 Fine Is Not All That Fine
102/望梅止渴 Fake Hope
104/雪上加霜 From Bad to Worse
106/与魔共舞 Fiends And Friends Are Just One Letter Away
108/指桑骂槐 Fossil Teacher
112/高脚 Golden Shoe of The FA Cup
114/天知道 God Knows Everything
116/亡羊补牢 Game Over
118/小李飞刀 Great Cop Who Is Master of Flying Knife
122/病郎中 Hot Tempered Doctor
124/非诚勿扰 Honestly Speaking
126/非礼勿动 May You Readers Please Behave Yourselves
128/顾此失彼 Half Naked
130/饥不择食 Hungry Ghost
132/弄巧成拙 Holy Water at Its Best
134/破戒 Have Wine Will Travel
136/死有余辜 Heavy Punishment
138/逍遥法内 Head Count
140/野性难驯 Human Dog Food
142/引狼入舍 Hot Pants
144/知妻莫若夫 Hubby Knows Best
148/不知者不罪 Ignorance That Deserves Forgiving
150/钓鱼执法 Illegal Parking Is Legal
152/绕口令 I Didn’ t Say Anything in This Book
154/冤家路窄 I Am Very Sorry for My Ex-boss Mr. Sun
156/尊腿大名 In The Name of Leg
160/废话一句 Just Lip Service
162/绵里藏针 Just A Humble Advertisement
164/时差 Jetlag
168/爱恨交加 Love Is Nothing
170/千山独行 Lone Ranger
172/是真名士自风流 Lewd Activities in Bar
174/先礼后宾 Ladies First
178/啃老族 Mothers Are Home- Cooked Food
180/民以食为天 May God Bless All My Readers And Me
182/农转非 My Mobile Phone Is Growing Bigger Everyday in China Farmland
184/时装传奇 My Gay Lady
186/天性爱美 Make up Is Hold up
188/天一神水 Magical Water Made in India
190/同志您好 My Comrade Is A Gay Gay
192/文字狱 Manifestation of Justice
194/竹篮打水 The Knight of One Night
200/敢问路在何方 Navigating without A Compass
202/尽信书不如无书 No Sex Please We Are Chinese
204/酒后吐真言 Nothing But The Truth
206/酒林外史 News for All Drinkers to Cerebrate
208/理所当然 Needless to Say
210/美哉斯国 We Are Americans
212/其痛可知 No Pain No Gains
214/无为有处有还无 Nothing Comes from Nothing
218/宾至如归 Please Take Advantage of Me
220/老当益壮 Pregnancy Has No Age Barrier
222/少见多怪 Please Dress Yourself up Before Getting to This Address
224/泰冏 Punctuation Mark Matters
226/未免过谦 A Notice Too Humble
230/百年老鸡 Roasted Chicken Better Than KFC
232/请别读本文 Reading at Your Own Risk
234/套路 Reverse Discount
236/芝麻关门 Remote Controlled Gate Indian Style
242/分身无术 Split up Please
244/弃车保碎 Swift Transformation of Cars
246/权威股评 Stock Market Commentary
248/退学者斩 Schooling Lengthens Your Life Span
250/西方老庄 Self Praise Is No Praise
252/性歧视之最 Sex Discrimination at Its Best
256/E字之差 The Significance of E
258/病从口入 The Most Enjoyable Surgical Treat on Earth
260/不打自招 The Confession of A Businessman
262/城门失火 The Butterfly Effect
264/错有错着 The Legend of Ms. Reno
266/董狐之笔 The Quotation of A True Historian
268/多产教师 The Most Intriguing Productivity of Its Kind
270/盖世神功 The Story of A Gymnastic Accountant
272/高不可攀 The Tower of Fun
274/高人不出手 The Good Hands of An Armless Man
276/广告志异 The Power of Cigarette Ads
278/行尸走肉 The Exorcist
280/红颜薄命 The Ordeal of A Russian Beauty
282/婚礼惊艳 The Romance of A Wedding Ceremony
284/家谱 The Genealogy of A French Beauty
286/警察偷汽车 The Thief in Uniform
288/“酒后”外传 The Mystery of An Alcoholic Queen
290/乐在其中 The Great Fun of Bathing
292/路边野花不要采 The Myth of Digging One’s Own Grave
294/曼城魔水 The Harry Potter Hotel
296/美食难求 The Meaning of M
298/米线论 The Length of A Noodle
300/男女有别 The Art of Translation
302/弄拙成巧 Think Twice Before You Decide to Take Away
304/请君入瓮 The Freezing Experience
306/人畜有别 The Difference Between Human Beings And Wild Animals
308/孺子不可教 The Best of Naughty Students
310/善哉 The Most Cruel Charity Fair on This Planet
312/水浒后传 The Modern Water Margin Saga
314/天山童姥 The Oldest Baby of All Time
316/玩法 The Best Way to Kill Your Boredom
318/妄自菲薄 The Story of A Rich Pig
320/温度不同 Temperature Discretion
322/温馨提示 The Kindest Reminder Since Beginning of Time
324/掀起你的盖头来 The Beauty Queen Buster
326/现身说法 The Naked Truth
328/相敬如兵 The Real Elements of Marriage
330/蟹程万里 The Story of A Flying Crab
332/言之有礼 True Motivation of Wedding
334/洋为中用 The Best Translation of My Kind
336/药到鼻除 The Missing Nose
338/一刻千金 Time Is Really Precious
340/一指禅 The Martial Art Master Who Walks Single-fingeredly
342/尤有甚者 The Worse Is Yet to Come
344/语惊四座 The Romance of Mr. P
346/越俎代庖 To Panda with Love
348/郑人买履 The Cheater The Better
350/专业杀手 The Bloody Job of A Laundry Shop
354/华陀再世 Weird Medical Records
356/疑难杂症 Weird Doctor
358/鱼和船通吃 We Apologize for Not Making Fish And Chips
362/Yao Ming
364/君子不欺暗室 You Readers Please Behave Yourselves Again Please
366/姥姥下西洋 You Don’ t Have to Be A Star to Be in My Show
