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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教辅学习方法/报考新时代商务英语综合教程(学生用书3)



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 王立非
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787302530480 出版时间: 2019-06-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






UNIT 1 Teamwork
Warming up
Text A No longer Poles apart
Business know-how
Text B Arranging a course
UNIT 2 Corporate hospitality
Warming up
Text A Training to be entertaining and making it pay
Business know-how
Text B Arranging a company visit
UNIT 3 Public relations
Warming Up
Text A What is public relations?
Business know-how
Text B Organising a PR event
UNIT 4 Ordering goods
Warming up
Text A Placing an order
Business know-how
Text B Discussing changes
Review Test 1
UNIT 5 Relocation
Warming up
Text A Why do people relocate?
Business know-how
Text B Finding the right location
UNIT 6 Work safety and rights
Warming Up
Text A How safe is your workplace?
Business know-how
Text B Is posting comments always a good idea?
UNIT 7 Business expenses
Warming up
Text A Taking on the grown-ups
Business know-how
Text B A new expenses claims system
UNIT 8 Staff appraisal
Warming Up
Text A Staff appraisals-more trouble than theyre worth?
Business know-how
Text B The role of appraisals
UNIT 9 Case study Cash flow
Warming up
Text A The cash flow gap
Business know-how
Text B Improving cash flow
Review Test 2
