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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 大连海事大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563238033 出版时间: 2019-06-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Unit 1 Types of Ships
Part 1 Common Types of Cargo Ships
Part 2 Other Types of Ships
Unit 2 Introduction to Ships
Part 1 Parts of a Ship
Part 2 Deck Areas
Part 3 Bridge
Part 4 Rooms on the Ship
Unit 3 Work of Seafarers
Part 1 Duties and Responsibilities of Deck Crew
Part 2 The Captains Jobs and Responsibilities
Part 3 Daily Communication on Board
Unit 4 Ship Orders
Part 1 Wheel Orders
Part 2 Engine Orders
Part 3 Anchoring Orders
Part 4 Mooring Orders
Unit 5 Introduction to Pilotage
Part 1 Pilotage
Part 2 Piloting YUKUN
Unit 6 Anchoring and Mooring
Part 1 Berthing and Unberthing
Part 2 Watch-Keeping at Anchorage or Mooring
Unit 7 Loading and Unloading
Part 1 Types of Cargoes
Part 2 Cargo Handling Equipment
Unit 8 Navigation
Part 1 Watch-Keeping
Part 2 Bridge Shift Change
Part 3 Navigating in Tough Situations
Unit 9 Introduction to Communications at Sea
Part 1 How to Use VHF?
Part 2 Introduction to SMCP
Part 3 Communications at Sea
Unit 10 Emergency at Sea
Part 1 Lifeboats
Part 2 Response to a Man-Overboard Situation
Part 3 Lifejackets
Part 4 Firefighting on Board
Unit 11 Anti-Piracy
Part 1 Influences of Piracy on Maritime Industry
Part 2 Anti-Piracy Weapons
Unit 12 PSC Inspection
Part 1 Introduction to PSC
