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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教辅学习方法/报考共建绿色丝绸之路:促进生态城市发展(英文版)



定 价:¥128.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119116143 出版时间: 2019-01-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  《共建绿色丝绸之路(促进生态城市发展 英文版)》是在“2017欧亚经济论坛生态与环保合作分会”参会嘉宾的发言材料基础上整理编撰而成,旨在与环保从业者和广大读者分享论坛成果,了解欧亚国家环境保护合作进程,从而更好地支持和推进欧亚国家的环境保护合作,促进区域可持续发展。




Chapter One Speeches by Leaders
Section Ⅰ Jointly Promote Ecological Progress and Share Green Development
Section Ⅱ Give Play to Ecological Advantages and Build a Beautiful Shaanxi
Section Ⅲ Promote Ecological Progress and Advance Green Development in Xian
Section Ⅳ Lead the Development of the SCO and Build a Green Silk Road
Section Ⅴ Strengthen Eico-Environmental Cooperation and Fulfil the Concept of Green Development
Section Ⅵ Innovate Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Technologjes and Boost the Development of Green Cities
Chapter Two Eco-City Development Policy
Section Ⅰ Belt and Road Eco-City Development Cooperation
Section Ⅱ Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Transformation
Section Ⅲ Green City Development
Section Ⅳ Green Development Model of the Belt and Road
Section Ⅴ Green Economy Policies and Measures of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Section Ⅵ Belarus Shares Experience of Developing Green Economy
Section Ⅶ Tajikistans Green Economy Development Policy
Section Ⅷ Tradition and Modernity:Mongolias Green Growth Experience
Section Ⅸ Environmental Protection in Azerbaijan
Section Ⅹ Accelerate the Development of Environmental Protection Industry and Promote the Building of Green Cities
Section Ⅺ Green Finance Policy and Innovative Development in China
Section Ⅻ Clean Atmosphere Initiative in Pakistan
Section ⅫⅠ Solid Waste Management Policies and Common Technologies in China
Section Ⅰ Maintain the Ecologically Sound Region, Build a Green City and Create a Green Dream of the Silk Road
Chapter Three Ecological Urban Development Practice
Section Ⅱ Leverage the Coastal Advantage and Promote Green Development
Section Ⅲ Fulfull the Concept of Green Development and Build a Beautiful Sichuan
Section Ⅳ Green Low-carbon Development Practice in Xiamen
Section Ⅴ Clean Water in Large Cities (St.Petersburg)
Section Ⅵ Analysis of Environmental Monitoring and Guarantee Service Based on Spatial Information
Section Ⅶ Environmental Protection Industries Fuel Green City Construction
Section Ⅷ Develop the Environmental Protection Enterprise and Pursue Green Quality
Appendix Ⅰ Initiative of Jointly Building Green Sillk Road Develop Ecological City Partnership
Appendix Ⅱ Guidance on Promoting Green Belt and Road
Appendix Ⅲ The Belt and Road Ecological and Environmental Cooperation Plan
