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定 价:¥43.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787309141733 出版时间: 2019-03-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  《实用医学英语教程》适用于医学英语入门课程。本教程内容丰富,语言特色鲜明,强调实用,兼顾学术。它不仅涵盖了医学英语必备的听、说、读、写、译五个方面的内容,而且结合医学专业特点,特别增设了医学英语的基本构词法及配套练习。本教程基于医学英语课程要求和特点,为已经完成大学通用英语学习且具有一定医学知识的医学生专门编写而成。它以人体八大系统为纲,基本涵盖各类实用型医学英语,帮助学生初步掌握医学英语的特点和规律,建立起医学专业英语词汇体系,基本实现自主阅读、口头交流和书面表达,为未来的临床、科研、对外学术交流和医学服务打下基础。《实用医学英语教程》大特点在于重视医学英语初学者入门阶段的需求,弥补了目前市场上众多医学英语教材偏重医学深度专题、忽略初学者基本功的缺陷。《实用医学英语教程》共分八个单元,分别介绍骨肌系统、消化系统、呼吸系统、泌尿系统、生殖系统、循环系统、内分泌系统和神经系统。各单元由Part A、Part B和Part C三个部分组成。其中,Part A以阅读文章为依托,介绍各系统的术语词汇,辅以相应的练习;Part B以医学英语科技论文为授课范例,突出科技论文的语言特色,介绍科技论文阅读方法;Part C主要以科普形式展示医学科普知识。三个部分以基础性、学术性和科普性相辅相成,构成较为完整且实用性强的基础医学英语教材体系。




Unit One The Musculoskeletal System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Musculoskeletal System
Part B Osteoporosis: A Look at the Future
Part C Infectious Arthritis
Unit Two The Digestive System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Digestive System
Part B Epidemiology of Esophageal Cancer
Part C Helicobacter Pylori: A Beneficial Gastric Pathogen?
Unit Four The Respiratory System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Respiratory Systerm
Part B Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): No More Than a Severe Acute Lung Injury
Part C What Is Asthma?
Unit Four The Urinary System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Urinary System
Part B Physiopathology and Etiology of Stone Formation in the Kidney and the Urinary Tract
Part C Urine Color
Unit Five The Reproductive System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Reproductive System
Part B Lifestyle Factors and Reproductive Health: Taking Control of Your Fertility
Part C Infertility
Unit Six The Circulatory System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Circulatory System
Part B Increasing Burden of Cardiovascular Disease: Current Knowledge and Future Directions for Research
Part C Tobacco and Stroke
Unit Seven The Endocrine System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Endocrine System
Part B Hypothyroidism: An Update
Part C Diabetes
Unit Eight The Nervous System
Medical Terminology
Part A The Nervous System
Part B An Introduction to the Concept of \
