Readers will learn in the introduction to this volume that mathematicians owe a huge debt to R.A. Rankin and J.M. Whittaker for their efforts in preserving Ramanujan's "Lost Notebook." If it were not for them, Ramanujan's lost notebook likely would have been permanently lost. Rankin was born in Garlieston, Scotland, in October 1915 and died in Glasgow in January 2001. For several years he was professor of Mathematics at the University of Glasgow. An account of his life and work has been given by B.C. Berndt, W. Kohnen, and K. Ono in [79]. Whittaker was born in March 1905 in Cambridge and died in Sheffield in January 1984. At his retirement, he was vicechancellor of Sheffield University. A description of Whittaker's life and work has been written by W.K, Hayman.