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定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787309121452 出版时间: 2019-01-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  《大学英语生活化教程2(学生用书 修订版)》根据高职高专教学的实际需要突出语言的生活化和实用性。全书共分为8个单元,每单元由5部分组成。一部分是视听说。该部分有音频、视频和图片,旨在充分激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,引导学生就单元的主题进行口头表达,并为课文内容的学习做准备。第二部分为主课文学习。选取难度合适、长度大概450个单词左右的文章,以学生在熟悉的生活中能接触到的主题内容为主,尽量围绕单元主题把真实任务和阅读结合起来,使学生学习之后达到学以致用的目的。第三部分为专题语法,每个单元选取与教材内容相关的语法项目进行解析,并配有相关的语法练习。第四部分为拓展阅读。通过阅读与课文主题相关的文章,进一步了解和深化主题内容,并扩大词汇量,提高阅读技巧。第五部分为实用写作。要求写出格式正确、语句基本正确的应用文。




Unit One Travel
Section A Listening and Speaking
Section B Text Learning: Rise of the Young Chinese Backpackers
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: A Trip to IstanbuJ
Section E Practical Writing: Leave or Absence Permit
Unit Two Advertisement and Media
Section A Listening and Speaking
Section B Text Learning: How Influential the Media on Teens Are
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: Advertisem Useful Service to the Community
Section E Practical Writing: Telephone Mesag
Unit Three Sports
Section A Listenin and Speakin
Section B Text Learning: Run Like the Wind
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: Who to Believe
Section E Practical Writing: Memo
Unit Four Between Cultures
Section A Listening and Speaking
Section B Text Learning: Cultural Exchange
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: Cultural Differences
Section E Practical Writing: Email
Unit Five Environment
Section A Listening and Speaking
Section B Text Learning: China Has a Large Bill to Deal with Air Pollution
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: What Can You Do About Global Warming
Section E Practical Writing: Timetable and Schedule
Unit Six Science and Technology
Section A Listening and Speaking
Section B Text Learning: Recent Technology Innovations That Make College Life Easier
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: Online Shopping Trends
Section E Practical Writing: Registration Form
Unit Seven Music and Art
Section A Listening and Speaking
Section B Text Learning: Music in Life
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: Beijing Opera
Section E Practical Writing: Rsum
Unit Eight Job Interview and Career
Section A Listening and Speaking
Section B Text Learning: Prepare for Your Career at College
Section C Grammar
Section D Extensive Reading: A Job Hunting Story
Section E Practical Writing: Application Lettcr
