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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学预防医学、卫生学城市健康与福祉计划(政策简报 英文版)

城市健康与福祉计划(政策简报 英文版)

城市健康与福祉计划(政策简报 英文版)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: [德] 弗朗茨·盖茨维勒 著
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
丛编项: 全球城市健康与福祉战略研究丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787308199216 出版时间: 2020-04-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 87 字数:  


  《城市健康与福祉计划(政策简报 英文版)/全球城市健康与福祉战略研究丛书》基于过去几年全球城市健康与福祉项目的各个子项目的结题报告而著。旨在让读者了解本项目所倡导的系统性办法是如何被广泛运用到全世界各地的,从而让他们更好地理解城市的复杂性,提高其寻找解决问题的效率,最终推动全球人类健康的发展。《城市健康与福祉计划(政策简报 英文版)/全球城市健康与福祉战略研究丛书》所运用的系统性的方法,可鼓励科学家、年轻学者、城市规划者、政策决定者各社会角色以跨学科和跨部门的角度去看待现人类健康与福祉问题,以更好的解决城市化加剧所带来的环境和社会影响。


  弗朗茨·盖茨维勒,Executive Director, Programme on Urban Health and Wellbeing, the globalinterdisciplinary science programme on Urban Health and Wellbeing,Xiamen, China.


No.1 A Systems Approach to Urban Health and Wellbeing Has Come of Age in China
No.2 A Systems Approach to Urban Health and Wellbeing Has Come of Age in the Asia-Pacific Region
No.3 A Systems Approach to Urban Health and Wellbeing Has Come of Age in Latin-America and the Caribbean
No.4 A Systems Approach to Urban Health and Wellbeing Has Come of Age in Africa
No.5 Facilitating the Governance of Urban Sustainability and Resilience Transitions with Knowledge-Action Systems Analysis
No.6 Advancing Urban Health and Wellbeing Through Collective and Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach 3.0
No.7 The SALURBAL (Salud Urbana en Am6rica Latina) Project: Learning from Latin America's Cities for a Healthier Future
No.8 Antimicrobial Resistance Is a Health Risk in Chinese Cities-Now It Has Been Mapped
No.9 Financing & Implementing Resilience with a Systems Approach in Beirut
No.10 Addressing the Environment and Health Nexus Is a Strategic Approach to Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals in ASEAN
No.11 Health and Wellbeing in the Changing Urban Environment
