译者序?? /?? 孤独的歌者,忧伤的赤子
西罗普郡少年 A Shropshire Lad
Loveliest of trees,the cherry now (Ⅱ)
Wake: the silver dusk returning(Ⅳ)
醒醒 :银灰的曦色归来了 (Ⅳ)
Oh see how thick the goldcup flowers (V)
哦,看那金盏花多茂盛 (V)
When the lad for longing sighs (VI)
每当少年因相思嗟叹 (VI)
When I watch the living meet (XII)
每逢我看见人们聚集 (XII)
When I was one-and-twenty (XIII)
那年我刚二十一岁 (XIII)
Look not in my eyes,for fear (XV)
别盯着我的眼睛,只怕是 (XV)
Oh,when I was in love with you (XVIII)
哦,想当初我爱上了你 (XVIII)
In summertime on Bredon (XXI)
只听夏日的百里顿 (XXI)
The street sounds to the soldiers’ tread (XXII)
士兵的步伐在街上响 (XXII)
The lads in their hundreds to Ludlow come in for thefair (XXIII)
成百的年轻人齐涌来禄如镇赶市集 (XXIII)
Along the field as we came by (XXVI)
正从田野里款款经过 (XXVI)
’Tis spring; come out to ramble (XXIX)
春来了 ;出来散步吧 (XXIX)
On Wenlock Edge the wood’s in trouble (XXXI)
温洛岭林莽陷入悲苦 (XXXI)
From far,from eve and morning (XXXII)
自远方,自黄昏与清晨 (XXXII)
If truth in hearts that perish (XXXIII)
要是凡人的一片心 (XXXIII)
On the idle hill of summer (XXXV)
在夏日悠闲的山头 (XXXV)
White in the moon the long road lies (XXXVI)
月光下惨白一条长路 (XXXVI)
Into my heart an air that kills (XL)
遥远的乡间吹来阵风 (XL)
In my own shire,if I was sad (XLI)
在故乡,若我心中伤悲 (XLI)
Once in the wind of morning (XLII)
有一天我沐着晨风 (XLII)
When I meet the morning beam (XLIII)
每当我醒来遇上晨光 (XLIII)
Bring,in this timeless grave to throw (XLVI)
莫去折雪中郁郁的柏枝 (XLVI)
Far in a western brookland (LII)
远在那西部的水乡 (LII)
With rue my heart is laden (LIV)
我的心头充满哀伤 (LIV)
When I came last to Ludlow (LVIII)
记得我上次回禄如镇 (LVIII)
Now hollow fires burn out to black (LX)
炉中柴此刻已经烧光 (LX)
诗末编Last Poems
As I gird on for fighting (II)
当我往腰间系上 (II)
The Queen she sent to look for me (V)
女王差人召我从军 (V)
The chestnut casts his flambeaux,and the flowers (IX)
栗树洒下火炬似的繁英 (IX)
Could man be drunk for ever (X)
要是人能一世沉醉 (X)
Star and coronal and bell (XVI)
花开如星、似冠、若钟 (XVI)
The fairies break their dances (XXI)
仙子们停止了跳舞 (XXI)
In the morning,in the morning (XXIII)
在早上,在早上 (XXIII)
Wake not for the world-heard thunder (XXIX)
不必因惊雷响彻人世 (XXIX)
When the eye of day is shut (XXXIII)
当白日之眼闭合 (XXXIII)
From home to Ludlow fair (XXXIV)
从我家到禄如镇集市 (XXXIV)
These,in the day when heaven was falling (XXXVII)
在苍天塌落的日子 (XXXVII)
集外诗 More Poems
Stars,I have seen them fall (VII)
我曾见到过星子的陨逝 (VII)
When green buds hang in the elm like dust (IX)
嫩芽儿如尘般挂满榆树的枝桠 (IX)
The farms of home lie lost in even (XIV)
家乡的牧场在薄暮中隐去 (XIV)
Tarry,delight,so seldom met (XV)
幸福稍纵即逝,一去难再聚 (XV)
How clear,how lovely bright (XVI)
多么明澈,多么欢乐 (XVI)
Delight it is in youth and May (XVIII)
幸福莫过于青春年华五月天 (XVIII)
The mill-stream,now that noises cease (XIX)
磨坊河终日喧喧 (XIX)
Like mine,the veins of these that slumber (XX)
我的血管,安眠者的血管 (XX)
Ho,everyone that thirsteth (XXII)
哦,谁要是口渴了 (XXII)
Crossing alone the nighted ferry (XXIII)
只身从夜的渡口穿过 (XXIII)
Stone,steel,dominions pass (XXIV)
铁熔,石烂,江山有尽 (XXIV)
Because I liked you better (XXXI)
因为我如此爱你 (XXXI)
On forelands high in heaven (XXXIII)
在那天涯的一隅 (XXXIII)
Here dead lie we because we did not choose(XXXVI)
I did not lose my heart in summer’s even (XXXVII)
He looked at me with eyes I thought (XLI)
他瞧着我,那种眼神 (XLI)
Far known to sea and shore (XLIV)
它的声名远播海外 (XLIV)
Hearken,landsmen,hearken,seamen (XLVI)
听吧,陆地上的,海上的,我的同胞啊 (XLVI)
Good-night; ensured release (XLVIII)
晚安吧 ;释然的心情 (XLVIII)
诗补编 Additional Poems
Oh were he and I together (II)
哦,他和我,我俩曾一起 (II)
When Adam walked in Eden young (III)
那时亚当正年轻,在伊甸园优游 (III)
It is no gift I tender (IV)
我不能给予你任何馈赠 (IV)
When the bells justle in the tower (IX)
每当钟楼的钟声回荡于 (IX)
Morning up the eastern stair (XI)
晨曦攀爬着东方的阶梯 (XI)
Stay,if you list,O passer by the way (XII)
Oh turn not in from marching (XIII)
哦,莫要投宿客栈 (XIII)
Oh is it the jar of nations (XIV)
哦,这是民族间斗争的呐喊 (XIV)
’Tis five years since,‘An end, ’said I (XV)
自“一切告终”,五载光阴已逝 (XV)
In battles of no renown (XIX)
在那些鲜为人知的战役 (XIX)
Home is the sailor,home from sea (XXII)
水手回家了,从海上归来 (XXII)
附录 读解豪斯曼