译者序 / 绝不懦弱的灵魂
‘Tell me tell me smiling child’
‘High waving heather ’neath stormy blasts bending’
‘Redbreast early in the morning’
‘All day I’ve toiled but not with pain’
‘I am the only being whose doom’
‘The sun has set and the long grass now’
‘And first an hour of mournful musing’
‘Wind sink to rest in the heather’
‘Awaking morning laughs from heaven’
‘Alone I sat the summer day’
‘’Tis evening now the sun descends’
‘The old church tower and garden wall’
Lines:‘ Far away is the land of rest’
‘Now trust a heart that trusts in you’
‘Sleep brings no joy to me’
‘Strong I stand though I have borne’
‘The night is darkening round me’
‘I’ll come when thou art saddest’
‘O transient voyager of heaven’
Lines:‘I die but when the grave shall press’
‘I’m happiest when most away’
‘All hushed and still within the house’
‘How loud the storm sounds round the Hall’
‘It’s over now I’ve known it all’
‘Harp of wild and dream like strain’
‘There are two trees in a lonely field’
‘For him who struck thy foreign string’
‘The evening sun was sinking down’
‘Fall leaves fall die flowers away’
‘I knew not ’twas so dire a crime’
‘O Dream, where art thou now’
‘There swept adown that dreary glen’
‘The starry night shall tidings bring’
‘A little while,a little while’
‘How still,how happy! those are words’
‘The blue bell is the sweetest flower’
‘Sacred watcher,wave thy bells’
‘May flowers are opening’
‘I know not how it falls on me’
112 ‘Shed no tears o’er that tomb’
116 ‘Mild the mist upon the hill’
‘How long will you remain? The midnight hour’
‘Fair sinks the summer evening now’
Song:‘ O Between distress and pleasure’
‘There was a time when my cheek burned’
‘The wind I hear it sighing’
Love and Friendship:‘Love is like the wild rose-briar’
Sympathy:‘There should be no despair for you’
Stanzas to—‘Well, some may hate,and some may scorn’
‘Start not upon the minster wall’
‘That wind I used to hear it swelling’
‘It is too late to call thee now’
Stanzas:‘I’ll not weep that thou art going to leave me’
A.G.A.to A.S.:‘At such a time,in such a spot’
‘If grief for grief can touch thee’
‘’Tis moonlight, summer moonlight’
The Night-Wind:‘In summer’s mellow midnight’
‘Methinks this heart should rest awhile’
The Old Stoic:‘Riches I hold in light esteem’
‘Shall Earth no more inspire thee’
‘Aye there it is! it wakes tonight’
‘I see around me tombstones grey’
‘How clear she shines! How quietly’
To A.S.1830:‘Where beams the sun the brightest’
‘Had there been falsehood in my breast’
‘Yes holy be thy resting place’
Hope:‘Hope was but a timid friend’
At Castle Wood:‘The day is done-the winter sun’
Song:‘ The linnet in the rocky dells’
To Imagination:‘When weary with the long day’s care’
Remembrance:‘ Cold in the earth-and the deep snow piled above thee’
Death:‘Death! that struck when I was most confiding’
Stars:‘Ah! why, because the dazzling sun’
M.A.Written on the Dungeon Wall-N.C.:‘I Know that tonight,the wind it is sighing’
M.A. 书于地牢墙壁——北方学院 :“我知道今夜的风”
‘No coward soul is mine’
‘Often rebuked,yet always back returning’
附录 读解艾米莉·勃朗特
夏洛蒂·勃朗特 著 / 梅笑寒 王一丹 译
——论艾米莉·勃朗特的诗歌 珍妮特·格萨里 著 / 王一丹 梅笑寒 译