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定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787300274324 出版时间: 2019-09-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 236 字数:  






佚名 Anonymous
1. 关雎
The Courting White-breasted Waterhen
佚名 Anonymous
2. 蒹葭
Earless Reeds and Shoots
屈原 Qu Yuan
3. 九歌 • 国殇
Nine Songs•An Elegy on Deaths of Servicemen Who Sacrificed Their Lives for the
项羽 Xiang Yu
4. 垓下歌
Song of Gaixia
虞姬 Yu Ji
5. 和垓下歌
Reply to King Xiang’s Song
刘邦 Liu Bang
6. 大风歌
Song of a Gale
毛苹 Mao Ping
7. 上邪
O Heaven
曹操 Cao Cao
8. 龟虽寿
Though the Tortoise Enjoys Longevity
曹植 Cao Zhi
9. 七步诗
A Poem Written in Seven Steps
陶渊明 Tao Yuanming
10. 归园田居 (其一)
Returning to Yuantianjü Dwelling (1st Poem)
11. 饮酒
北朝民歌 A Folk Song of the Northern Dynasties
12. 敕勒歌
Song of Chi’le Nationality
王勃 Wang Bo
13. 送杜少府之任蜀州
To See Police Commissioner Du Off for Shuzhou City
陈子昂 Chen Zi’ang
14. 登幽州台歌
Song of Ascending the You Prefecture Tower
张若虚 Zhang Ruoxu
15. 春江花月夜
A Flower-and-Moon Night on the Spring River
王翰 Wang Han
16. 凉州词
Liangzhou Lyrics
张九龄 Zhang Jiuling
17. 望月怀远
Looking at the Moon and Cherishing the Faraway Place
孟浩然 Meng Haoran
18. 宿建德江
Staying Overnight on the Jiande River
19. 春晓
Spring Dawn
王之涣 Wang Zhihuan
20. 登鹳雀楼
Ascending the Stork Tower
贺知章 He Zhizhang
21. 回乡偶书(其一)
A Chance Writing When Returning to My Hometown (1st Poem)
22. 回乡偶书(其二)
A Chance Writing When Returning to My Hometown (2nd Poem)
崔颢 Cui Hao
23. 黄鹤楼
The Yellow Crane Tower
王昌龄 Wang Changling
24. 出塞
Out of the Frontier Fortress
王维 Wang Wei
25. 山居秋暝
An Autumn Evening in the Mountain Village
26. 鹿柴
Stick Fence for Deer
27. 相思
28. 送元二使安西
To See Yuan’er Off as an Envoy to An’xi
李白 Li Bai
29. 月下独酌(其一)
Drinking Alone Under the Moon (1st Poem)
30. 月下独酌(其二)Drinking Alone Under the Moon (2nd Poem)
31. 行路难
Hard Is the Journey
32. 登金陵凤凰台
Ascending the Phoenix Terrace of Nanjing
33. 早发白帝城
Leaving Baidi City in Early Morning
34. 静夜思
Thoughts on a Still Night
35. 赠汪伦
To Wang Lun for Seeing Me Off
常建 Chang Jian
36. 题破山寺后禅院•
About the Buddhist Retreat Behind the Poshan Temple
杜甫 Du Fu
37. 春望
A Glimpse in Spring
38. 登高
Ascending High
39. 春夜喜雨
A Good Rain in the Spring Night
40. 蜀相
The Chancellor of the Kingdom of Shu
岑参 Cen Can
41. 白雪歌送武判官归京
Song of Snow on Seeing the Aide Mr. Wu Off for the Capital
张志和 Zhang Zhihe
42. 渔歌子
Song of the Fisherman
张继 Zhang Ji
43. 枫桥夜泊
Anchoring at Night by Maple Bridge
刘长卿 Liu Changqing
44. 逢雪宿芙蓉山主人
The Host in Whose House I Lodge on a Snowy Day on the Confederate Rose
孟郊 Meng Jiao
45. 游子吟
Song of the Traveling Son
46. 慈母吟
Song of My Loving Mother
柳宗元 Liu Zongyuan
47. 江雪
River Snow
张籍 Zhang Ji
48. 节妇吟 • 寄东平李司空师道
Ode to a Chaste Wife•To Minister Li Shidao of Dongping
元稹 Yuan Zhen
49. 离思
Thoughts After Departing
刘禹锡 Liu Yuxi
50. 陋室铭
An Epigraph on the Simple House
白居易 Bai Jüyi
51. 琵琶行
Song of Pipa
崔护 Cui Hu
52. 题都城南庄
A Poem on a Southern Village in the Capital City
杜牧 Du Mu
53. 江南春
Spring in Regions South of the Yangtze River
54. 清明
Tomb Sweeping Day
李商隐 Li Shangyin
55. 锦瑟
The Painted Se
56. 夜雨寄北
A Poem Written in the Night Rain to My Wife in the North
佚名 Anonymous
57. 铜官窑瓷器题诗
A Poem Inscribed on Porcelain from Tongguan Kiln
李煜 Li Yu
58. 虞美人 • 春花秋月何时了?
Tune to “Beauty Yu”• When Will Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon End This
59. 相见欢 • 无言独上西楼
Tune to “A Happy Meeting”•Silent and Alone, Up the West Tower I Climb
范仲淹 Fan Zhongyan
60. 苏幕遮 • 怀旧
Tune to “The Head Scarf”•Nostalgia
柳永 Liu Yong
61. 雨霖铃 • 寒蝉凄切
Tune to “Bells Ringing in the Rain”•Cicadas Are Mournfully Chirping
晏殊 Yan Shu
62. 浣溪沙 • 一曲新词酒一杯
Tune to “The Yarn-washing Stream”•I Drink a Cup When Finishing a New Lyric
欧阳修 Ou Yangxiu
63. 蝶恋花 • 庭院深深深几许
Tune to “Butterflies’ Love of Flowers”• The Courtyard Is Deep, Yet, How Deep Is It?
王安石 Wang Anshi
64. 梅花
Plum Blossom
苏轼 Su Shi
65. 水调歌头 • 明月几时有
Tune to “Overture to Song of Water”•When Did the Bright Moon First Appear?
66. 念奴娇 • 赤壁怀古
Tune to “The Beautiful Niannu”•Meditation on the Distant Past on the Red Cliffs
67. 江城子 • 乙卯正月二十日夜记梦
Tune to “Song of Nanjing”•To Record My Dream on the Night of the 20th of the
First Month of the Lunar Year, 1075
68. 临江仙 • 夜归临皋
Tune to “Riverside Daffodils”•Returning to Lingao at Night
69. 卜算子 • 黄州定慧院寓居作
Tune to “Song of the Fortune Teller”•A Poem Written at Dinghui Temple Where I
李之仪 Li Zhiyi
70. 卜算子 • 我住长江头
Tune to “Song of the Fortune Teller”•I Live Upstream of the Yangtze River
岳飞 Yue Fei
71. 满江红 • 写怀
Tune to “Red Water Fern”•To Express Emotions
李清照 Li Qingzhao
72. 声声慢 • 寻寻觅觅
Tune to “A Note-by-note Slow Song”•Seek Seek, Prowl Prowl
73. 如梦令 • 常记溪亭日暮
Tune to “A Dreamlike Short Lyric”•I Often Recall the Evening in a Waterside
74. 如梦令 • 昨夜雨疏风骤
Tune to “A Dreamlike Short Lyric”•Last Night, the Rain Was Light, the Wind
辛弃疾 Xin Qiji
75. 永遇乐 • 京口北固亭怀古
Tune to “Receiving Happy News Forever”•Meditation on the Distant Past at Beigu
Pavilion in Jingkou
76. 青玉案 • 元夕
Tune to “Green Jade Tray”•The Lantern Festival
77. 菩萨蛮 • 书江西造口壁
Tune to “The Southern Buddha”•An Inscription on a Wall in Zaokou of Jiangxi
78. 丑奴儿 • 书博山道中壁 •
Tune to “The Ugly Kid”•A Lyric Written on the Rock Face of Boshan Hill
陆游 Lu You
79. 卜算子 • 咏梅
Tune to “Song of the Fortune Teller”•On Chinese Plum
80. 钗头凤 • 红酥手
Tune to “A Phoenix Hairpin”•Rosy, Soft Hands
唐婉 Tang Wan
81. 钗头凤 • 世情薄
Tune to “A Phoenix Hairpin”•The World Is Cold
赵师秀 Zhao Shixiu
82. 约客
Waiting for a Guest
文天祥 Wen Tianxiang
83. 过零丁洋
To Pass the Lonely Sea
蒋捷 Jiang Jie
84. 虞美人 • 听雨
Tune to “Beauty Yu”•Listening to the Rain
关汉卿 Guan Hanqing
85. 四块玉 • 别情
Tune to “Four Jades”•The Pain of Parting
白朴 Bai Pu
86. 天净沙 • 秋
Tune to “A Sandless Sky”•Autumn
马致远 Ma Zhiyuan
87. 天净沙 • 秋思
Tune to “A Sandless Sky”• Autumn Thought
徐再思 Xu Zaisi
88. 折桂令 • 春情
Tune to “A Lyric of Picking Sweet Osmanthus Twigs”•Longing for Love
张可久 Zhang Kejiu
89. 殿前欢 • 离思
Tune to “Happiness at the Royal Court”•Thought on Parting
唐珙 Tang Gong
90. 题龙阳县青草湖
On Green Grass Lake in Longyang County
杨慎 Yang Shen
91. 临江仙 • 滚滚长江东逝水
Tune to “Riverside Daffodils”•Rolling, Rolling, the Yangtze River Flows Eastward
纳兰性德 Nalan Xingde
92. 蝶恋花 • 出塞
Tune to “Butterflies’ Love of Flowers”•Out of the Fortress
93. 浣溪沙 • 谁念西风独自凉
Tune to “The Yarn-washing Stream”•In the Chilly West Wind, Who Would Care
About the Solitary Me?
龚自珍 Gong Zizhen
94. 己亥杂诗(其五)
Miscellaneous Poems Written in the Year 1839 (5th Poem)
95. 己亥杂诗(其九十六)
Miscellaneous Poems Written in the Year 1839 (96th Poem)
96. 己亥杂诗(其一百十二十五)
Miscellaneous Poems Written in the Year 1839 (125th Poem)
罗庸 Luo Yong
97. 西南联大校歌
Anthem of National Southwestern Associated University
毛泽东 Mao Zedong
98. 沁园春 • 雪
Tune to “Spring in Qinyuan Garden”•Snow
99. 沁园春 • 长沙
Tune to “Spring in Qinyuan Garden”•Changsha
100. 卜算子:咏梅
Tune to “Song of the Fortune Teller”•Ode to Plum Blossoms
