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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化中国文化品中国.第三辑(英)



定 价:¥229.00

作 者: 马休,博松士
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508539324 出版时间: 2019-08-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  《品中国》第三辑将涵盖中国的历史遗迹、风景名胜、四大菜系、特色美食、以及交通信息以及推荐住宿等。 From the distinct flavors of the four major Chinese Cuisines and the photographers who hightlight scenic vistas across the nation, to 24-hour guides of China's major transit hubs and the history behind its most famous cultural performances, this boook will offer background knowledge about each destination in order for you to make the most of the trip. 《品中国》第三辑深度介绍中国的遗世景点以及小众精品旅行路线及深厚的中国人文。作为一本功能性强大的旅行指南,该书还会为游客提供丰富的原创内容和中外旅游达人们的深度旅行体验。Explore China offers detailed information on historical sites, scenic nature spots and culinary highlights, as well as information on transportation links and recommendations on places to stay.


  Matthew Bossons著 出生于加拿大温哥华,是一名记者和编辑。 他自2014年以来一直在中国广州工作,并于同年11月担任《城市漫步》英文版(英文名:‘That’s PRD’杂志的主编。 此前,Matt曾为City Weekend,SupChina,Surrey Now报纸和Diver杂志撰稿。 2018年,Matt还担任了中国五洲传播出版社出版的第二版《品中国》旅游指南的首席编辑角色。Matthew Bossons is a journalist and editor who originally hails from Vancouver, Canada. He has been based in Guangzhou, China since 2014 and has been working on the editorial team for That’s PRD magazine since November of the same year. Previously, Matt has written for City Weekend, SupChina, the Surrey Now Newspaper and Diver Magazine. In 2018, Matt took on the head editorial role for the second edition of the Explore China travel guide, which is published by China Intercontinental Press.


10 Travel Tips, 26 The Great White North, 92 East of the Sun, 158, Southern Beauty, 252 The Mountainous Southwest, 302 The Arid West
