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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 黄媛
出版社: 南京大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787305225734 出版时间: 2018-04-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 126 字数:  






Unit 1
Section A Passage 1 Chinese Technology
Passage 2 Is Our High Tech World Overstimulating?
Section B Passage 1 Is America a Big Melting Pot?
Passage 2 Little Will
Unit 2
Section A Passage 1 Being a Pleasant Conversationalist
Passage 2 The Lies We Tell
Section B Passage 1 Space Pattern
Passage 2 A Grandmother's Love
Unit 3
Section A Passage 1 Should Women Return to Their Kitchen?
Passage 2 Should Women Stay at Home with Their Children or Go Back to Work?
Section B Passage 1 Safety Precautions
Passage 2 Safety Product That Uses Fingerprint ID Likely Irk Some Gun Owners
Unit 4
Section A Passage 1 Suspended Education: Urban Middle Schools in Crisis
Passage 2 Rethinking Suspended Education
Section B Passage 1 Is College a Waste of Time and Money?
Passage 2 The Biggest Commodity: the College Degree and Academic Inflation
Unit 5
Section A Passage 1 The Danger of Comparing Yourself to Others
Passage 2 The Best Jobs for Introverts and Extroverts
Section B Passage 1 The Development of Civilization
Passage 2 The Bully
Unit 6
Section A Passage 1 Boeing and the FAA Flying Too Closely
Passage 2 Why Small Habits Make a Big Difference
Section B Passage 1 America Welcomes a New President
Passage 2 From Soldier to Rap Star
Unit 7
Section A Passage 1 Getting in Shape
Passage 2 Helping Hands
Section B Passage 1 London
Passage 2 Tourism Tips for Every Part of China
Unit 8
Section A Passage 1 Steps to a Perfect Holiday
Passage 2 The Hero
Section B Passage 1 We Chat Pay Begins UK Roll out in London's Camden Market
Passage 2 Live in City or Country
