Combining Dr. Frank Netter's classic medical illus-trations with a first-rate, current text is a brilliant idea. The choice of authors could not be better; as a group they are well-regarded clinicians whose experi-ence as teachers, having national and sometimes inter-national reputations, is well illustrated by the clarity of their writing. Very clearly there has been great atten-tion to achieving a supple, readable style. The added images, such as the MRIs and other visual tools, are very well chosen. Their clarity for teaching purposes matches the text in quality, and these are nicely inte-grated with Netter's classic imagery. The most impres-sive thing about this effort is the marvelous embedding of Netter's illustrations into the text with preservation of coherence.The original publication of these illustrations in the first Netter adas was a regular, albeit unofficial, part of medical school neurologic learning early in my career during the 1960s. Concomitantly, Netter's corollary bi-monthly wlute-covered slim paperback Clinical Symposia was always welcome with the new mail……more than one issue were frequently strewn on my desk. These were essentially mini atlases always centered by a striHng illustration immediately telling you what the dedicated subject would be. Each new edition was always accompanied by 15 to 20 new and now classic Netter illustrations. It was not clear how Ciba Pharmaceutical wanted to specifically influence us in trade for their marvelous free teaching aids. Now I wish I had saved many of them.