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Hainan:Jade Cliffs to Ocean Paradise(海岛天堂)

Hainan:Jade Cliffs to Ocean Paradise(海岛天堂)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 《汉语世界》杂志社有限责任公司 著
出版社: 商务印书馆
丛编项: 汉语世界丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787100184885 出版时间: 2020-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开B 页数: 232 字数:  


  《海岛天堂》(Hainan: Jade Cliffs To Ocean Paradise)是一本介绍海南国际旅游资源的精品英文图书。该书突出热带海洋旅游目的地特色,回眸了海南从边陲海岛到国际旅游岛的发展历程,从国际视角解读海南。挖掘海岛丰富的自然旅游资源,突出保护环境和生物多样性等国际议题;介绍海岛多彩的人文旅游资源,凸显地区文化和历史在中华文明中的重要地位;回顾海南作为古代海上丝绸之路支点和对外交流窗口的作用,展望未来自贸港全面开放的新格局。 该书通过极具吸引力的话题,用深层次的历史挖掘和文化报道,地道英文讲述独特的“海南故事”、“中国故事”,激发国际游客对海南的向往。


  《汉语世界》编辑部是一个拥有多元文化背景的中外编辑团队。成员们来自世界多个国家,文字功底深厚、从业经验丰富,是具备一流职业素养的专业媒体人,致力于以严谨的工作态度和地道的英语表达,从国际视角讲述中国故事,向世界展现真实的当代中国。 The editorial department of The World of Chinese is a Chinese and foreign editorial team with a multicultural background. The members come from many countries in the world, with profound written knowledge and rich experience in the industry. They are professional media people with first-class professionalism. They are committed to rigorous work attitudes and authentic English expressions, tell Chinese stories from an international perspective and show the real contemporary China to the world. 《汉语世界》(The World of Chinese)是商务印书馆主办的英文双月刊杂志,有十余年英文报道中国社会、文化和语言的历史。杂志以长篇、深度报道为特色,栏目内容涵盖时事、人物、文化潮流、当代文学、艺术、语言等方面,内容生动,话题丰富,是海内外读者了解当代中国的窗口,也是从国际化视角讲述中国故事的典范。 The World of Chinese is a bimonthly English-language magazine dedicated to Chinese culture, views, news, and society. Published by The Commercial Press, the magazine features in-depth reporting, photography, award-winning design, never-before-seen fiction, and interviews with Chinese opinion-shapers and newsmakers. China is a story: We tell it.



1 Hainan Alive

06 Creation by Fire
10 Under Hainan’s Canopy
22 Go Wi th the Flow
26 Fur, Feather, Fin—All of Us Are Kin

2 Ocean Paradise

40 Ocean Breeze and Ease
54 Wet and Wild Hainan
62 Making Waves

3 Historical Hainan

70 The Land of Exiles
80 The Story of a Song Dynasty Ship
90 All Roads Lead Back to Hainan

4 Cultural Hainan

102 Minority Reports
112 Woven History
118 Divine Destinations
126 Life on Water

5 Hungry Hainan

134 A Bite of Hainan
140 Four Famous Dishes
146 A Sip of Hainan
154 Tutti Frutti Hainan

6 Hainan Holiday

164 Heavenly Hospitality
174 Let’s Get Physical in Hainan
178 Something to Celebrate
184 Tropical Bounties

7 Looking Ahead

190 Opening the Ocean Frontier
202 The Boao Legend

8 Appendixes

210 Chinese You Need
226 List of Major Tourist Attractions
