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培养数学能力的途径(第2版 英文)

培养数学能力的途径(第2版 英文)

定 价:¥38.00

作 者: (美)大卫.索贝奇,(美)布莱恩.默瑟
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787560383033 出版时间: 2019-07-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


暂缺《培养数学能力的途径(第2版 英文)》简介


暂缺《培养数学能力的途径(第2版 英文)》作者简介


Lesson 1-1 Where Does the Time Go?
  Analyze personal time management for a week of activities   Solve problems involving percentages   Create and interpret pie charts.   Create and interpret bar graphs  
Lesson 1-2 Do You Have Anything To Add?
  Identify circumstances where addition or subtraction is possible   Add or subtract quantities  
Lesson 1-3 It's About Accumulation
Interpret multiplication as repeated addition
  Multiply or divide quantities  
Lesson 1-4 Avoiding Empty Pockets
  Distinguish between simple interest and compound interest   Distinguish between linear and exponential growth   Interpret exponents as repeated multiplication.   Simplify numeric expressions involving exponents and the order of operations  
Lesson 1-5 A Coordinated Effort
  Use a rectangular coordinate system   Connect data to graphs   Interpret graphs.  
Lesson 1-6 What are the Chances?
  Compute and interpret basic probabilities   Translate a probability to a percent chance   Recognize the difference between theoretical and empirical probability  
Lesson 1-7 Debt: Bad. Chocolate: ood
  Convert numbers between decimal and scientific notation   Describe the significance of writing numbers in scientific notation  
Lesson 1-8 What's Your Type?
  Analyze how your personality type affects how you interact with others   Create and interpret Venn diagrams   Describe sets using appropriate terminology  
Lesson 1-9 News in the Data Age
  Explain the difference between a population and a sample   Organize data with frequency distributions and histograms   Analyze data with stem and leaf plots Language and Symbolism Review
Technology Review
Learning objective review
Lesson 2-1 Did You Pass the Test?
  Consider strategies for preparing for and taking math tests   Understand the impact of a single question, or a single exam   Calculate, interpret, and compare measures of average  
Lesson 2-2 Ins and outs
  Distinguish between inputs(independent variables) and outputs (dependent variables)   Evaluate expressions and formulas   Interpret expressions  
Lesson 2-3 From Another Dimension
  Determine units for area and volume calculations   Use formulas to calculate areas and volumes   Discuss important skills for college students to have   Simplify expressions  
esson 2-4 It Works Like Magic
  Convert units using dimensional analysis   Convert units within the metric system   Convert rates of change   Convert temperatures  
Lesson 2-5 Take a Guess
x1. Identify the steps in a systematic problem-solving procedure
  Make educated guesses   Compare numbers using inequality symbols  
Lesson 2-6 It's All Relative
  Compare change to relative change   Apply percent error.  
Lesson 2-7 Is that Normal?
  Identify the steps in computing standard deviation, and describe why they lead to a measure of variation   Compute and interpret standard deviation   Use a normal distribution to find probabilities  
Lesson 2-8 Meeting Expectations
  Estimate expected value experimentally   Compute expected value   Compute weighted grades and GPA  
Lesson 3-1 88 Miles Per Hour
  Interpret a rate of change   Predict a future value from a rate of change   Calculate a rate of change   Find the intercepts of a line   Interpret the meaning of the intercepts of a line  
Lesson 3-2 A Snow Job
  Write expressions based on given information   Interpret algebraic expressions in context   Evaluate and simplify expressions  
Lesson 3-3 All Things Being Equal
  Explain what it means to solve an equation   Demonstrate the procedures for solving a basic linear equation   Solve a literal equation for a designated variable.  
Lesson 3-4 All Quantities Are Not Created Equal
  Demonstrate the procedures for solving a linear inequality   Solve application problems that involve linear inequalities  
Lesson 3-5 What's Your Problem?
  Solve application problems using numerical calculations   Solve application problems using linear equations  
Lesson 3-6 Big Mac Exchange Rates
  Identify situations where direct variation occurs   Write an appropriate direct variation equation for a situation   Solve an application problem that involves direct variation  
Lesson 3-7 The Effects of Alcohol
  Write an equation of a line given a description of the relationship   Write an equation of a line that models data from a table.   Write an equation of a line from a graph of the line   Graph a line by plotting points  
Lesson 3-8 Party Planning
  Find the y intercept and equation of a line given two points   Find the equation of a line using point-slope form   Convert between forms of a linear equation. Lesson 3-9 The Great Tech Battle
  Determine whether two variables have a linear relationship   Calculate the line of best fit for a set of data using a spreadsheet   Calculate the line of best fit for a set of data using a calculator.   Interpret the correlation coefficient for a data set  
Lesson 3-10 All Systems Go
  Solve an application problem involving a system of equations   Illustrate the solution to a system of equations using a table 3 Illustrate the solution to a system of equations using a graph  
Language and symbolism Review
Technology Review
Learning objective Review
Lesson 4-1 Oh Yeah? Prove It!
  Apply inductive reasoning to make a conjecture   Disprove a conjecture by finding a counterexample   Apply deductive reasoning to solve a problem  
Lesson 4-2 A Road Map to Success
  Solve application problems using the pythagorean Theorem   Solve application problems involving the distance formula  
Lesson 4-3 The Error of Your Ways
1.Determine the margin of error in a given poll
  Explain the meaning of the margin of error in a given poll   Calculate the number of poll respondents needed for a given margin of error.  
Lesson 4-4 Where's My Jetpack?
  Identify situations where inverse variation occurs   Solve problems involving direct and inverse variation  
Lesson 4-5 Sit Back and Watch Your Money Grow
  Define function and use function notation   Identify the significance of a and b in an equation of the form y= ab   Find exponential models   Compare exponential models using graphs, tables, and formulas  
Lesson 4-6 Follow the Bouncing Golf Ball
  Gather and organize data from an experiment   Find an exponential equation of best fit for da   Study the decay rate for exponential decay
Detailed Table of Contents
Lesson 4-7 rate Ducks
  Identify a parabolic graph   Solve problems using the graph of a quadratic equation  
Lesson 4-8 Minding Your Business
  Combine algebraic expressions using addition or subtraction   Demonstrate the relationships between revenue, cost, and profit functions   Combine algebraic expressions using multiplication   Determine a revenue function from a demand function by multiplying algebraic  
Lesson 4-9 The F Word
  Explain why factoring is useful in algebra   Explain the connection between zeros and x-intercepts   Factor a trinomial  
Lesson 4-10 Going. Going. GONE
  Solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula   Find the vertex of a parabola using X=-b/2a   Solve application problems using the quadratic formula  
Lesson 4-11 Down the Drain
  Calculate the equation of best fit for a set of quadratic data using technology   Solve application problems that involve a quadratic set of data  
Language and symbolism Review
Learning Objective Review
