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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教辅学习方法/报考电气工程及其自动化专业英语(第2版)



定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
丛编项: 专业英语系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568056830 出版时间: 2019-09-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Contents \n
Part 1Basic Concepts of Electric Circuit1 \n
1.1Introduction1 \n
1.2Charge and Current2 \n
1.3Voltage3 \n
1.4Power and Energy3 \n
1.5Summary5 \n
Part 2Basic Laws of Electric Circuit7 \n
2.1Introduction7 \n
2.2Ohms Law7 \n
2.3Kirchhoffs Laws9 \n
2.4Series Resistors and Voltage Division10 \n
2.5Parallel Resistors and Current Division11 \n
2.6Summary12 \n
Part 3Capacitors and Inductors15 \n
3.1Introduction15 \n
3.2Capacitors15 \n
3.3Inductors18 \n
3.4Summary20 \n
Part 4Computers23 \n
4.1Introduction23 \n
4.2Computer Function23 \n
4.3Computer Structure24 \n
4.4Classes of Computing Applications27 \n
Part 5Operational Amplifiers31 \n
5.1Introduction31 \n
5.2Operational Amplifiers31 \n
5.3Ideal Op Amp34 \n
5.4Inverting Amplifier34 \n
5.5Noninverting Amplifier35 \n
5.6Summary36 \n
Part 6Digital Logic Circuits39 \n
6.1Basic Concepts39 \n
6.2Electrical Specifications for Logic Gates43 \n
Part 7Transformers46 \n
7.1Introduction46 \n
7.2Transformer Construction47 \n
7.3The Ideal Transformer49 \n
Part 8Electrical Machines54 \n
8.1A Brief Overview54 \n
8.2Induction Machines55 \n
8.3Synchronous Machines57 \n
8.4DirectCurrent Machines58 \n
科技英语学习要点(一)——科技英语的特点64 \n
Part 9Signals70 \n
9.1Introduction70 \n
9.2ContinuousTime and DiscreteTime Signals70 \n
9.3Periodic Signals72 \n
9.4Even and Odd Signals73 \n
9.5The Unit Impulse and Unit Step Functions74 \n
9.6Summary76 \n
Part 10ContinuousTime and DiscreteTime Systems79 \n
10.1Introduction79 \n
10.2Interconnections of Systems79 \n
10.3Basic System Properties81 \n
10.4Summary84 \n
Part 11Automatic Control Systems87 \n
11.1Introduction87 \n
11.2Block Diagrams and Transfer Functions87 \n
11.3OpenLoop Control89 \n
11.4ClosedLoop Control: Feedback90 \n
11.5Objectives of a Control System92 \n
Part 12Measurement95 \n
12.1Introduction95 \n
12.2Statistics95 \n
12.3Operating Characteristics96 \n
12.4Static Characteristics97 \n
12.5Velocity Measurement99 \n
Part 13Switching Components103 \n
13.1Introduction103 \n
13.2Mechanical Switching Components103 \n
13.3SolidState Components106 \n
Part 14Power Semiconductor Switches112 \n
14.1Introduction112 \n
14.2Thyristors112 \n
14.3MetalOxideSemiconductor Field Effect Transistors114 \n
14.4Gate TurnOff Thyristors115 \n
14.5Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors117 \n
14.6Desired Characteristics in Controllable Switches117 \n
Part 15Rectifiers and Inverters121 \n
15.1Introduction121 \n
15.2Basic Rectifier Concepts122 \n
15.3Practical Thyristor Converters124 \n
15.4Inverter Mode of Operation126 \n
Part 16Basic Knowledge of Power System131 \n
16.1Introduction131 \n
16.2Electric Energy131 \n
16.3FossilFuel Plant131 \n
16.4Nuclear Power Plant132 \n
16.5Hydroelectric Power Plant133 \n
16.6Other Energy Sources133 \n
16.7Transmission and Distribution Systems133 \n
16.8Faults135 \n
16.9System Protection Components135 \n
科技英语学习要点(二)——科技英语翻译常用技巧140 \n
练习参考答案149 \n
