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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学物理学量子场理论:解释世界的神秘背景(英文)



定 价:¥38.00

作 者: [意] 罗伯特·勒戈(Roberto lengo) 著
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
丛编项: 国外优秀物理著作原版系列,“十三五”国家重点图书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787560388922 出版时间: 2020-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  




  罗伯特·勒戈(Roberto lengo),意大利国际高等研究院(SISSA)的教授,理论粒子物理小组的成员,曾担任意大利国际高等研究院人文科学跨学科实验室主任.他在量子场论和弦论等方面撰写了许多专著,并且多年来一直为博士生教授量子场论的课程,


Author biography
1 Interaction at a distance? Rather, the propagation of a field
1.1 Static fields perhaps well known
1.2 Time dependent fields perhaps less well known
1.2.1 Signals in spacetime
1.2.2 The four-vector potential
1.2.3 Waves
1.3 Bibliography
2 The messengers of the interactions: the 'quanta' of the field
2.1 The revenge of the integers
2.2 Quanta as particles
2.2.1 Photons
2.2.2 Zero mass for the photon
2.3 Quanta as waves
2.4 Two other, less familiar, fundamental fields and their quanta
2.5 Weak interactions
2.6 Strong interactions
2.7 Radiation fields: a collective name
2.8 Bibliography
3 Matter fields, of an uncommon self-avoiding kind
3.1 The need for new unusual anti-commuting numbers
3.2 Matter quanta. An interlude
3.2.1 Particles and antiparticles
3.2.2 Left or right spinning
3.2.3 The Dirac equation
3.2.4 The number of matter particles cannot change
3.3 Matter fields
4 Whatever is happening makes an action
5 The vacuum: the stage of the fields' play
6 The symmetric shape of the action
7 Everything fluctuates
8 The vacuum is not empty
9 What else?
10 QFT: what for?
Appendix: Notes for further insight
