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定 价:¥90.00

作 者: 梁衡
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119121437 出版时间: 2019-12-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  




  Liang Heng,scholar, wiit.er and news theorist, has served as deputy editor-in-chief of People's Dail.y, and received major lit.erary prizes including Zhao Shuli Literary Award, Chinese Prose Award and Lucky Xun Essay Gold Prize.


Going to Yunnan in Winter to Enjoy "Seascape"
Cries of Apes on Bawang Ridge
Stories of Xiang Yu Told by a Phoenix Tree and Pagoda Tree in Autumn Breeze
Four Cypress Trees of Wuxian
The Great WaU and a Tamarisk Tree
Ancient Pagoda Tree of Qili Village
A Cypress Tree That Resembles the Map of China
A Pagoda Tree in an Iron Wok
Willow of Lord Zuo Brings Green Cloud to the Northwest
Banyan of Lord Shen: Overlooking the Sea for 150 Years
Ode to Wintersweet Planted by Premier Zhou Enlai
An Old Camphor Tree Holding a Bomb
An Old Pine in Mt. Yanshan
Java Bishopwood Tree Once Injured
Trees Dying Young and Related Stories
Unforgettable Wild Oleaster
A Century-Old WiUow Survived of an Earthquake
The Last Piece of Primeval Forest
Jujube King in China
Wang Xiaoying & Mongolian Pine
A Nursing Home for Old Trees Here
Old Ginkgo Tree Resembling an Ornamental Column
