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定 价:¥55.00

作 者: 洪梅,吴松江,陈琳 等
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787309145137 出版时间: 2019-09-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 254 字数:  


  《博雅英语·阅读教程(1)》一册共10个单元,涵盖学校教育、社会生活、健康养生、语言文化等话题。每单元由4部分构成,分别为:Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies(介绍阅读过程所需的基本技巧和策略);Part 2 Main Idea and Details(培养学生概括文章的主旨大意和捕捉细节的能力);Part 3 Vocabulary Practice(考查学生对词汇的理解与运用);Part 4 Practical English(在实际生活情境中学习英语)。《博雅英语·阅读教程(1)》旨在帮助学生扩大基础词汇量掌握基本阅读技巧,增强跨文化交际的能力,为后续的英语学习奠定基础。




Chapter 1 Welcome to College
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 2 Relationship, Love and Dating
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 3 Travel
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 4 Shopping
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 5 Food
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 6 Healthy Lifestyle
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 7 Movies
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 8 Overseas Study
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 9 Language
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
Chapter 10 Sports
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies
Part 2 Main Idea and Details
Part 3 Vocabulary Practice
Part 4 Practical English
