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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 李承兴,赵薇
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787309143966 出版时间: 2019-08-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 110 字数:  






Unit 1 Forestry and Organic Farming
Passage 1 Cancer-fighting Drugs Also Help Plants Fight Disease
Passage 2 From Household Farmers to Organic Exporters
Passage 3 Reforestation: More Than Just Planting Trees
Unit 2 Horticulture and Agriculture Development
Passage 1 Will Grassland Soil Weather a Change
Passage 2 Top Leaders Join Together for Agriculture Development
Passage 3 How to Grow and Care for Rosemary Plants
Unit 3 Agricultural Economics
Passage 1 Food Security Rests on Trade
Passage 2 Agricultural Economics and Its Origins
Passage 3 What Is the Future of Global Food, Agriculture and Fisheries System
Unit 4 Life Sciences
Passage 1 Biological Engineering
Passage 2 Biotechnologies Can Be Used in Medicine and Agriculture
Passage 3 How Does Bioprinting Work
Unit 5 Animal Medicine
Passage 1 Arm Your Pet Against Dental Disease
Passage 2 An Introduction to Veterinary Medicine
Passage 3 Go away, Leptospirosis
Unit 6 Animal Science
Passage 1 Animal Consciousness and Ethics
Passage 2 Romantic Love of Animals
Passage 3 Animals Can Really Think
Unit 7 Food Science
Passage 1 Food Safety
Passage 2 Highlights of the Final Food Nutrition Facts Label
Passage 3 Packaging Engineering
Unit 8 Agricultural Modernization
Passage 1 AI in Agriculture Market
Passage 2 Agricultural Robot
Passage 3 Center Pivot Irrigation
Translation of Reading Passages
Key to the Exercises
