A Message from the Co-Chairs
Theme Ⅰ: Environmental Monito ring and Assessment for Modern Animal Production
Spatial and Seasonal varjations of PM Concentration and Size Distribution in Manure-Bell Poultry Layer Houses
Distribution of Paniculate Matter and Ammonia in a Mechanically ventilated Layer House
Analysis of PM2.5 Distribution in Chicken House and Its Damage on Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells
Livestock Farms as Major Emission Source of Atmospheric Panicles in the Netherlands: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Dairy Farms with Different Manure Management
Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions from the Storage of Recycled Manure Solids as Bedding Material for Dairy Cattle
Estimating Methane Emissions from Dairy Manure Using the Arrhenius Relationship
Evaluating the Thermal Insulation of Dairy Bams in Cold Regions via Infrared Thermography
Modelling Heat Losses in Grow-Finish Pigs
Simulation of Indoor Climate of Livestock Buildings to Assess Adaptive Measures for Reducing Heat Stress Due To Climate Change
Theme Ⅱ: Environmental Control for Modern Animal Production
Odour Reduction and Control of Intensive Livestock Production
A Review: The Influence and Mitigation of Ammonia and Dust in Modern Animal Buildings
A Laboratory Study on Mitigation of Particulate Matter, Ammonia and Airborne Bacteria from Litter of Cage-Free Layer Housing
Mitigating Ammonia with Different Amendments for Broiler Production System
Reduction of Gas Emissions from Bio-Digester Effluent Storage
Effect of Reduced Dietary Crude Protein on Indoor Ammonia and Hydrogen
Sulfide Concentrations in a Swine Research Building
Mitigation of Heat Stress by Energy Saving Air Treatment Devices for Connned Livestock Buildings
Indoor Air Tcmperature Simulation for a Swine Building Using Energy Balance Equation
Developmcnt of Upward Airnow Displacement ventilation System of Manure-Belt Layer Houses f'or Improved Indoor Environment Using CFD Simulation
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Animal Environment Design and Studies
Heat Stress Abatelllent and Thenllal Indexes to Better Assess Effective Environment
Numerical Simulations of a Hybrid Ventilation System at a Confined Pig Building in Denmark-Summer Case Studies
Theme Ⅲ: Manure Management and Utilization to Reduce Environmental Impact
Chlorella sp. Cultivated with Poultry Wastewater in Bench-scale Ponds
Biocrude Oil Production from Manure of Six Animal Species Via Hydrolhermal Liquefaction
Overview of the Potential Cost Savings by Using Biogas from Manure as a Renewable Energy Source for Drying Corn
Heat Energy Production from Livestock Manure by Using a Biomass Fuel Burner
Waste Management ftom an Environmental and Integral Sustainable Perspective
Theme Ⅳ: Animal Behavior, Well-being, and Health
Effects of Hypoxia on Mitochondrial Morphology and Mitofusin Gene
Evaluation of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Turkey Poult Weight Gain during Brooding
Perching Behavior and Preflerence of Broilers with Perch Enrichment
Postnatal Light Modifies Hippocampal and Hypothalamic Clock Gene
Expression and Anxiety-Related Behavior in Juvenale Chickens
Comparison of Natural Mating and Anificial Insemination on Laying Performances, Egg Quality and Welfare of Huainan Panridge Chicken
Responses of Laying Hens to Completely Open vs. Partially Open Aviary Housing
Polymorphisms Scanning in of Egl Nine Homolog 3 and Peroxisome
Proliferator Activated Receptor-alpha Genes in Tibetan and Lowland Chickens
Adaptability of Young Layers in a Large Cage Aviary Unit System during Initial Settling-in Period
Theme Ⅴ: Animal Production Management and Animal Welfare
Euthanasia of Pigs Using Nitrogen Gas and Decompression
Spectral Model for Broiler Chicken Production
Decontamination Efficiency of Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed Water for Salmonella SPP on Different Surfaces
Biosecurity: Collaboration to Ensure State of Readiness
Response Surface Modelling for Cleaning and Bacte ria Removing in Milking Systems Using Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed Water
Environmental Quality and Its Effect of Enclosed Layer House wiIh Four Overlap Tiers Cages in Winter
Effects of Cyclic Heat Stress on the Meat Quality and Muscle Glycolysis of Breasts and Thighs of Yellow-Feather Broilers
Effects of Declawed Males on Laying Performances, Egg Quality Characteristics and Feather Cover of Layer Breeders in Mating Cages
Effects of Different Environment Control Methods and Breeder Ages on Hatch Performance
Effects of Photoperiod, Light Intensity and Their Interaction on Growth Performance and Antioxidant Status of Broilers
Effects of Nest Boxes Provision on Feather Pecking and Vent Pecking Behavior of Layer Breeders in Colony Cages
Economic Retums for Different Cooling Systems for Dairy Cattle
Theme Ⅵ: Animal Production and Research Systems, Equipment, and Techniques
Developments of Thermal Environment Techniques of Animal Housing in Hot Climate-A Review
Key Dimensions of Cast Iron Slatted Floor for Fattening Pigs
A New ventilation System to Reduce Temperature Fluctuations in Laying Hen Housing Under Continental Climate Conditions
Initial Technical Feasibility of Air Conditioning to Eliminate Heat Stress in Swine Grow-Finish Facilities
Vision for Precision Livestock Fanning Based upon the EU-PLF Project
Preliminary Study to Assess Activity of Broilers Using Sound Analysis
Fusion of Depth Image and Sound Analysis for Monitoring Poultry Behaviors
An Algo rithm for Pig Detection and Behavior Recognition Based on Deep Leaming Technique
An Improved Assessment of the Effective Environment for Analysis of Heat Stress Mitigation Techniques
Recognition and Analysis of Ruminating Behavior of Dairy Cows Based on a Wearable Device
Development of an Automated Measurement Device for Body Surface Temperarure in Dairy Calves
Experilllental Study on Intcgrated Technology of Solar Assisted Heat Pump for Aquaculture Water Heating
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