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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材职业技术培训教材外贸英语(经济贸易类 第4版)

外贸英语(经济贸易类 第4版)

外贸英语(经济贸易类 第4版)

定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 郝美彦,朱丽萍
出版社: 东北财经大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高职高专精品教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787565436765 出版时间: 2019-09-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 252 字数:  




暂缺《外贸英语(经济贸易类 第4版)》作者简介


Chapter 1 Introduction
Key terms
1.1 Exporting and importing
1.2 Terms and conditions of contract
1.3 Procedures ofexposing and importing business
1.4 The laws and usual practices of the international trade
Summary of objectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Reading material
Chapter 2 Terms of Commodity
Key terms
2.1 Name and quality of commodity
2.2 Quantity of commodity
2.3 Packing ofcommodity
Summary ofobjectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 3 International Trade Terms
Key terms
3.1 Trade terms and international trade usages
3.2 The commonly used trade terms in Incoterms0 2010
3.3 Othertrade terms
3.4 The choice oftrade terms irt practice
Summary ofobjectives
Key words phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 4 Terms of Price
Key terms
4.1 About the price
4.2 Formation of unit price and price accounting
4.3 Accounting of gain or loss and price clause
Summary of objectives
Key words.phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 5 International Cargo Transport
Key terms
5.1 Modes of transportation
5.2 The shipment clauses
5.3 Shipping documents
Summary of objectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 6 Insurance Marine Cargo Insurance
Key terms
6.1 The scope ofmarine cargo insurance coverage
6.2 Conditions ofmarine cargo insurance
6.3 London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses
6.4 Insurance clauses in the contract and forms of Insurance Contract
Summary of objectives
Key words phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 7 International Payment
Key terms
7.1 Instruments ofpayment
7.2 Modes ofpayment
7.3 Combination of different modes of payment
7.4 Payment clause in a contract
Summary ofobjectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 8 Inspection and Claims
Key terms
8.1 Inspection
8.2 Claims
Summary of objectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 9 Force Majeure and Arbitration
Key terms
9.1 Force majeure
9.2 Arbitration
Summary of objectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 10 Negotiation of Contract
Key terms
10.1 The steps of signing a contract
10.2 The form and contents of a contract
Summary ofobjectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 11 Implementation of Contract
Key terms
11.1 The performance of export contract
11.2 The performance ofimpo~contract
11.3 The main impo~and expo~documents
Summary of objectives
Key words,phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
Chapter 12 Modes of Internatjonal Trade
Key terms
12.1 Exclusive sales and agency
12.2 Invitationtotender and submission oftender
12.3 Auction and consignment
12.4 Counter trade and processing and assembling trade
Summary of objectives
Key words.phrases and special terms
Basic skill training
Reading material
