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外国人在中国 文化情未了:在中国学艺的老外们(英)

外国人在中国 文化情未了:在中国学艺的老外们(英)

定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 中央广播电视总台
出版社: 画报出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787514618310 出版时间: 2019-12-01 包装:
开本: 32开 页数: 216 字数:  


  “外国人在中国”系列丛书取材于央视4 套《外国人在中国》栏目。该栏目是中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)于2013 年2 月25 日起推出的以外国人为主体的纪实性专题节目。书中纪录了外国人在中国的学习、工作和生活,生动地反映中国丰富多彩的传统文化,也折射出当代中国的发展变化和开放包容的文化氛围。书中的人物与故事为中外文化交流搭建起一座桥梁。 “Foreigner in China”Series takes material from the feature program “Foreigners in China” of CCTV 4. This program was firstly aired in February 25, 2013, and it’s the first documentary program focused on how foreigners learn, work and live in China. The book series reflects not only Chinese traditional culture and inclusively open atmosphere, but also exhibits the development and tremendous changes taken place in contemporary China. The main characters and their stories in these books have been acting as a bridge of cultural exchange between China and other countries. 中国的大门对世界开放,越来越多的外国人也来到中国追逐他们自己的梦想。他们有的在中国实现了自己的音乐梦想,有的来中国学习语言和文化,还有的着迷于中国的飞速发展……本书介绍了不同国家的人在中国实现自己梦想的故事,每一个故事都伴随着他们与中国共同发展、前进。 Since China is open to all, a growing number of foreigners are coming China to realize their dreams. Some goes after music, some are appealed to language and culture, others are drawn by Chinese rapid development...This volume introduces how people from different countries make their dreams come true in China, the process of which is usually accompanied with progressive changes in Chinese society.


  中央广播电视总台由中共中央宣传部领导。宣传党的理论和路线方针政策,统筹组织重大宣传报道,组织广播电视创作生产,制作和播出广播电视精品,引导社会热点,加强和改进舆论监督,推动多媒体融合发展,加强国际传播能力建设,讲好中国故事等。 China Media Group is led by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. We should publicize the party's theories, lines, principles and policies, organize major publicity and reports as a whole, organize radio and television production, produce and broadcast radio and television products, guide social hot spots, strengthen and improve public opinion supervision, promote the integrated development of multimedia, strengthen the construction of international communication capacity, and tell Chinese stories.


Contents 1. Cuban Young Man's Dream of Being on the Spring Festival Gala 2. Michael's Story(I): An American Boy Who Sings Chinese Old Songs 2. Michael's Story(II): Michael's 365 Miles of Road 4. A Post-90s English Teacher's Life in a Small County 5. Diana's Adventure Tour 6. An Italian's Life in Hengdian 7. We Share a Common Dream 8. Learning Crafts in China 9. Nika's kung fu Story 10. Daria's Food Tour in China
