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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 陈志旗
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787308195263 出版时间: 2020-04-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  商务英语是一门交叉学科,在商务英语学习中,商用语言和商务知识应用同等重要,广泛的地道的商务英语语言的输入是商务英语水平提升的前提和基础,原汁原味的商务英语语料和真实的商务案例是商务英语学习的必要载体。本教材的设计兼顾了开阔国际视野、商务语言学习和商务案例学习这三方面,从近年外刊商业新闻报道中精选了24篇有代表性的文章,内容涉及企业发展战略、公司管理、商务创新、产品策略、营销策略、人力管理等。全书分12单元,每个单元含Text A和Text B两篇课文,Text A为主课文Text B是同一主题的拓展性课文。每篇课文提供生词及常用词组表、专业术语及专有名词注释、背景知识介绍及课文的参考译文,方便读者查阅参考,有利于商务英语语言学习和国际商务知识积累。同时每篇课文后提供阅读检测任务帮助学习者自我评价阅读效果,及时巩固课文中的语言重难点。每篇课文最后均设有一项综合任务,读者可以单元话题为中心,适时巩固课文中词汇、语言表达,借助课文中的案例启示,进行对全球性问题的关注、思考与交流。本教材的对象是商务英语专业学生,也适合已工作并希望通过拓展阅读提高商务英语水平的人士自学使用。




Unit 1 The Belt and Road
Text A Three Final CEE Countries Align with the Belt and Road Initiative
Text B South Africa's Wine Growers See New Demand from China
Unit 2 International Trade
Text A Italy Could Be Forced to Import Olive Oil Because of Extreme Weather
Text B How Will a No-Deal Brexit Hit Travel in and out of the UK and Europe?
Unit 3 Business Strategy
Text A Starbucks Laser-Focused on China Market
Text B Volkswagen Set to Explore Deeper and Wider to Grow Sales in China
Unit 4 Business Innovation
Text A You Can Now Check in with a Facial Scan at Marriott in China
Text B Walmart Turns to Robots and Apps in Stores
Unit 5 Publicity
Text A Nike's Stock Falls After Duke Star Is Hurt as His Sneaker Comes Apart
Text B Dolce & Gabbana Has a Big China Problem After Ad Causes Outrage
Unit 6 Online Retail
Text A Alibaba Singles' Day Sales Top $30 Billion
Text B Pity the Parcel People
Unit 7 Tech Giants
Text A It's All About Huawei. World's Biggest Mobile Tech Show Gets Started.
Text B It's Amazon's World. We Just Live in It.
Unit 8 Business Management
Text A GM Is Reinventing Itself. It's Cutting 15% of Its Salaried Workers and Shutting 5 Plants in North America.
Text B How Burger King Fell Behind
Unit 9 Marketing
Text A Robot Waiters and Snail Pizza: What US Fast Food Brands Do to Please Chinese Diners
Text B P&G Eyes off China's Booming Baby Care Market
Unit 10 Workforce
Text A Older Workers Are Driving Job Growth as Boomers Remain in Workforce Longer
Text B Meet Silicon Valley's "China Whisperer"
Unit 11 Business Competition
Text A This Coffee Company Thinks It Can Beat Starbucks in China
Text B Samsung Losing to Cheap Chinese Rivals and Upcoming iPhone 6
Unit 12 Career in Business
Text A Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone as a Young Entrepreneur
Text B The Business Students of Today Want to "Do Well by Doing Good"
