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定 价:¥55.00

作 者: 余渭深
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568914215 出版时间: 2019-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 127 字数:  






Unit 1 The Power of Music
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Not es
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
Unit 2 Art as Commodity
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Not es
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
Unit 3 The Emotional Power of Film
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Not es
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
Unit 4 Body Politics
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Not es
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
Unit 5 Fashion and Social Engagement—Fashion, Style and Society
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Not es
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
Unit 6 Advertising Tactics
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Not es
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
Unit 7 Musical Theater: One of the Most Popular Forms of Performing Arts
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Not es
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
Unit 8 Industrial Design:The Neglected Art
Ⅰ. Backg round Informat ion
Ⅱ. Notes
Ⅲ. Language Points
Ⅳ. Keys, Tapescripts and Text Translations
