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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材职业技术培训教材英语(第二册 第三版)

英语(第二册 第三版)

英语(第二册 第三版)

定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 王振亚
出版社: 中国劳动社会保障出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787516744024 出版时间: 2020-03-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 235 字数:  


  本版《英语》教材内容落实国家职业教育法律、法规对于技能人才尤其是高技能人才培养的具体要求,遵循职业教育规律,重视培养通用职业素质,执行《技工院校英语课程标准(2016)》,面向社会、面向职业、面向未来,着重培养学生用英语作为工具解决实际问题的能力。 教材保持了前版分第一册和第二册的结构。第一册教材适合具有初中英语基础的学生使用,内容难度在递进过程中基本达到全日制普通高中二年级上学期的水平。第二册教材在第一册教材的基础上继续拓展,满足学生参加成人高校招生考试和高等职业教育招生考试的需要。




Unit 1 Great People

Lesson One

The Strange Echo.....1

Lesson Two

Alexander Fleming.....10

Lesson Three

Zheng He and Columbus.....19

Unit 2 Nature and Science

Lesson One

Super Typhoon Mangkhut.....28

Lesson Two

How Light Travels......38

Lesson Three

Alexander Bell's Greatest Invention.....47

Unit 3 Arts and Music

Lesson One

Warm and Cool Colors....56

Lesson Two

How We Use Music to Manage Our Stress and Emotions.....65

Lesson Three

Aging Mona Lisa Worries Louvre.....75

Unit 4 Fashion and Design

Lesson One

Barbie Doll.....85

Lesson Two

High Platform Shoes.....95

Lesson Three

Fashion and Style.....105

Unit 5 Industry and Manufacturing

Lesson One

Population Movement.....115

Lesson Two

The Shenzhou 11 Spacecraft.....125

Lesson Three

Nuclear Industry.....135

Unit 6 E-Life

Lesson One


Lesson Two

The Internet.....154

Lesson Three

The First Intermet Worm.....165

Unit7 Occupations

Lesson One

Florence Nightingale.....175

Lesson Two 

Driving and Brainpower......185

Lesson Three 

More Companies Want Employees to Work Less.....194

Unit 8 Manners 

Lesson One 

Different Customs.....204

Lesson Two 

A Father's Love.....213

Lesson Three 

With One Small Gesture.....222
