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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物夏天敏作品精选(英文版)



定 价:¥108.00

作 者: 夏天敏
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508543697 出版时间: 2020-03-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 357 字数:  


  《夏天敏作品精选》选录作者中篇小说八部:《好大一对羊》《徘徊望云湖》《接吻长安街》《好大一棵桂花树》《飞来的村庄》《冰冷的链条》《北方、北方》和《土里的鱼》,其中《好大一对羊》获第三届鲁迅文学奖。作品均以贫瘠的滇东北高原为背景,在描写那里农村艰苦、单调、落后的生活状况和农民愚昧、保守的思想的同时,表达了新一代农民思变的强烈愿望。 The Selected Works of Xia Tianmin includes eight novellas: Two Great Sheep, Around Wangyun Lake, To Kiss in Chang’an Street, A Big Osmanthus Tree, A Flying Village, Cold Chain, North, North, and Fish in the Earth. Two Great Sheep won the Third Lu Xun Literature Award. These works tell stories of the barren plateau in northeast Yunnan Province, Southwest China. While giving an account of the tough, monotonous and primitive living conditions in the rural areas as well as ignorance and conservative thinking of farmers, they also portray the strong desire to change among the new generation of farmers.


  夏天敏,云南省昭通市人。20世纪80年代中期开始文学创作,曾发表中短篇小说200余万字。已出版散文集《情海放舟》,中短篇小说集《乡场上的皮匠》《飞来的村庄》《乡村雕塑》等12本书。根据中篇小说《好大一对羊》改编的同名电影获加拿大维多利亚最佳故事片奖、法国维苏尔国际电影节最佳亚洲促进奖和美国华盛顿特区独立电影节最佳评审团大奖。 Xia Tianmin, a native of Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, started writing in the mid-1980s and has published works of more than 2 million Chinese characters. He has written 12 books, for example, the prose collection A Deep Love in the Plateau, novella collections A Cobbler at the Rural Fair, A Flying Village, and Rural Sculptures. The film Two Great Sheep adapted from the novella of the same name won the Best Feature Film Award at the Victoria Film Festival, Canada, the Best Asian Film Promotion Award at the Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas, France and the Jury Grand Prize at the Washington DC Independent Film Festival.


Two Great Sheep

Around Wangyun Lake

To Kiss in Chang’an Street

A Big Osmanthus Tree

A Flying Village

Cold Chain

North, North

Fish in the Earth
