“全球治理的中国方案”丛书(中、英文版),全面、深入地向国际社会阐释中国的全球治理观,展现中国作为一个负责任的大国,积极参与全球治理,努力为全球治理贡献中国主张、中国智慧、中国方案,并以踏实稳健的步伐,推动构建合作共赢、公正合理的全球治理体系和治理机制。 中国作为目前全球的能源消费国和生产国,可以说已经处于全球能源事务的中心位置,中国对于国际能源问题的全球治理发挥着越来越重要的影响。本书介绍中国积极推动能源生产和消费方式变革,提高能源绿色、低碳、智能发展水平,努力走出一条清洁、高效、安全、可持续的能源发展之路;同时在积极参与地区性和全球性的能源对话机制与合作进程中,提出一系列新倡议新举措,如创办APEC可持续能源中心,探讨建立全球能源互联网等,促进全球能源治理体系向更有效、更高效的方向发展。 On several occasions since 2016, Chinese President Xi stressed the importance of China’s active participation in the international efforts to reform the system of global governance. Written by a group of prominent Chinese scholars and officials, the China and Global Governance Series aims to present the international readers with China’s approach to global governance and the Chinese wisdom behind it. In the ten titles forming this series, the authors elaborate on China’s perspectives on global governance, peace, and development, as well as seven other important aspects of global governance—financial security, energy security, climate change management, foreign aid, cybersecurity, human rights protection, and anti-terrorism. In China and Global Energy Security, the author argues that in the context of economic globalization, energy security is not an issue facing one single country alone but rather a global problem. China is the world’s largest energy producer and consumer, oil importer, and emitter of greenhouse gases; its energy policy and energy security have a worldwide impact. The abundant experience accumulated by China over the past years in improving global energy security, promoting cleaner energy, and mitigating global climate change will have significant implications for the rest of the world.