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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治外交、国际关系非洲华侨华人报告(英文版)



定 价:¥56.00

作 者: 李新烽
出版社: 中国社会科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787520363846 出版时间: 2020-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 127 字数:  


  The overseas Chinese in Africa play an important part in the cultural exchanges between China and Africa This report includes seven chapters. Chapter One sums up the findings about the first group of Chinese in Africa based on the history of Chinese immigrants in Africa Chapter Two analyzes the number and category of the overseas Chinese in Africa and predicts the change in the number of this group. Chapter Three and Chapter Four explain the evolution of the image of the overseas Chinese. These chapters analyze the underlying causes for the evolving multi-faceted image of the local Chinese. Chapter Five and Chapter Six analyze the situation of the overseas Chinese in South Africa and Zimbabwe respectively, depicting the life of both local Chinese individuals and groups. Chapter Seven puts forward suggestions on promoting the image of the overseas Chinese in AfricaAccording to this report, the overseas Chinese in Africa have long been serving as an important bridge for China-Africa communication. They have tried hard to integrate into the African society, and have made significant contributions to the development of Africa However, they are also facing difficulties and challenges. In the new era of China-Africa cooperation, all parties, including the Chinese government, media, think tanks, academic institutions, overseas Chinese associations and Chinese individuals in Africa, should take measures to change the stereotypes about the Chinese in Africa They need to better convey China's national image and culture, to further enhance China's soft power and influence in Africa, and to make greater contributions to increasing the people-to-people exchange between China and Africa


  Xiaolei Shen,Assistant research fellow and deputy director of Division of political studies of the China-Africa Institute (Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences).His major research areas include African politics, African ethnic groups, and South Africa and Zimbabwe country studies. He has articles published in core journals such as West Asia and Africa, The Journal of International Studies, Journal of World peoples studies, and Quarterly Journal of International Politics. His translation works include The Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa.Wengang Li,Associate Research Fellow and Director of Division of Ethnic and Religious Studies of China-Africa Institute (Institute of West Asian and African Studies) of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He got his PhD from School of International Relations of Peking University in 2007. His main research interests include Nigerian ethnic/religious issues, social and economic developments, African Islam, and China-Nigeria bilateral relations. He has published several articles on Nigeria in China's leading academic Journals and edited a book titled Liberia (2006).Xiaolei Shen,Assistant Research Fellow and Deputy-Director of Division of Political Studies in the China-Africa Institute (Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences). His Major Research areas include African politics, African ethnic groups, and South Africa and Zimbabwe country studies. He has published several articles in core journals such as West Asia and Africa, The Journal of International Studies, Journal of World Peoples Studies, and Quarterly Journal of International Politics. His translation works include The Dragon's Gift: The real Story of China in Africa.Mengying Zhang,a PhD candidate of the Department of West Asian and African Studies at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). She holds a BA in Economics with Honors at the University of Alberta and an MA in Economics at the University of British Columbia. She previously worked as an academic editor at the Social Sciences in China Press of CASS. Her recent publications include journal and periodical papers, i.e. Middle Eastern Countries' Involvement in the Horn of AfricaRussia Returns to Africa in Big StridesMedia's Role in the China-African Relations and the translations of a report China-Africa People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation (English version)(2018). She also coauthored two think tank reports Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya (2018), and China-Africa Cooperation in the Peace and Security Issue (2018).Xinfeng Li,the Executive President of the China-Africa Institute and the Director-General of the Institute of West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. During his tenure, he has also served as the Senior Research Fellow, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor and Dean of the West Asian and African Department of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Chief Editor of the West Asia and Africa Journal and Journal of China-Africa Studies. He won the distinguished national Award and the Distinguished Research Award by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China several times. Before joining in the academic life, he was a senior journalist of People's Daily who left his foot prints across the African continent and won two Distinguished National News Report Awards of China He has published over 30 academic journals and scholarly papers and released two books, Following Zheng He's Footprints in Africa (English and Chinese)and Zheng He in Africa.


Chapter 1 History of the Overseas Chinese Immigration to Africa
1.1 Two Categories of the Earliest Overseas Chinese in Africa
1.2 The First Chinese Immigrants to Africa
Chapter 2 Number and Classification of the Overseas Chinese in Africa
2.1 Classification of the Overseas Chinese in Africa
2.2 Difficulties in Sourcing Accurate Data
2.3 Population of the Overseas Chinese in Africa in 2019
2.4 Changing Trends of the Overseas Chinese in Africa
Chapter 3 The Overseas Chinese Image and Its Evolution in Africa
3.1 Historical Evolution of the Overseas Chinese Image in Africa
3.2 Different Views Towards the Overseas Chinese Image in Africa
3.3 Positive Images of the Overseas Chinese in Africa
3.4 Negative Images of the Overseas Chinese in Africa
Chapter 4 Formation of the Overseas Chinese Image in Africa
4.1 Formation of the Positive Overseas Chinese Image in Africa
4.2 Formation of the Negative Overseas Chinese Image in Africa
Chapter 5 Case Study of Chinese Living in South Africa
5.1 Three Chinese Communities in South Africa
5.2 Chinese Associations in South Africa
5.3 Roles of Associations for Individual Chinese Immigrants
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Case Study of Chinese Living in Zimbabwe
6.1 Overview of the Overseas Chinese in Zimbabwe
6.2 The Overseas Chinese Image in Zimbabwe
6.3 Reasons for Negative Views of the Overseas Chinese in Zimbabwe
6.4 Measures to Improve the Overseas Chinese Image in Zimbabwe
Chapter 7 Suggestions for Improving the Overseas Chinese Image in Africa
