如何应对以人工智能为代表的新一轮科技革命带来的伦理和治理上的挑战?这是一个未被以往任何单个学科的研究所涵盖的问题。相比以往的技术,人工智能的独特之处就在于它的“自主性”。换言之,或由于技术本身的特性、或由于其应用过程中社会赋予了它特定角色,当代人工智能技术已经在深度“参与”人的决策。在这个意义上,人工智能技术与传统的工具意义上的技术有质的区别。正是由于这种对人的决策的深度“参与”,人工智能技术导致了短期和长期的伦理问题。本书系统地讨论了这些问题,在社会如何应对新一轮科技革命和产业变革的问题上有思想资源和分析框架上的独*性贡献。How to address the ethical and governance challenges posed by the new technological revolution of artificial intelligence? This is an issue that has not been covered by any previous study in any single discipline. What is unique about AI, compared to previous technologies, is its autonomy. Contemporary AI technologies are already deeply involved in human decision-making, either because of the nature of the technological application itself, or the special role that the society assigns to it as it is applied. In this sense, AI is qualitatively different from the traditional technology. It is precisely because of this deep 'involvement' in human decision-making that AI has led to both short-term and long-term ethical problems. This book discusses these issues systematically, making an original contribution of intellectual resources and analytical frameworks to the question of how society should respond to the new technological revolution.