目 录
Nanhai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport v. Archangelos Investments E.N.E. and Shanghai Representative Office of Hong Kong Andaousen Co, Ltd for the Dispute over a Contract for Salvage at Sea
—To Determine the Rights and Obligations of the Parties to an Employment Contract for Salvage in Accordance with Relevant Provisions of the Contract Law
Luck Treat Limited v. Shenzhen Zhongyuan City Commercial Investment Holding Co, Ltd for Application of Confirmation on the Validity of an Arbitration Agreement
—Arbitration Clauses Can Have Effect Independent of the
Application of Kolmar Group AG for Recognition and Enforcement of Civil Judgment of Singapore High Court
—Application of the Principle of Reciprocity to Reviewing Cases Decided by Foreign Courts
Zhejiang Longda Stainless Steel Co, Ltd v. A.P. MollerMaersk A/S for the Dispute over a Contract for Carriage of Goods by Sea
—A Shippers Right to Change or Modify Transport Contracts and Reasonable Institutions
Sinochem International (Singapore) Pte Ltd v. ThyssenKrupp Metallurgical Products GmbH for the Dispute over a Contract for the International Sale of Goods
—Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and Determination of Fundamental Breach of Contract
JIO Minerals FZC and others v. Mineral Enterprises Ltd
JIO Minerals FZC and others v. Mineral Enterprises Ltd
—Common Law Principles (Relating to Forum Non Conveniens) for Determining Which Country is the Natural Forum for the Claims in Question BNA v. BNB and another
BNA v. BNB and another
—The Determination of the Proper Law of an Arbitration Agreement,
and the Proper Construction to be Given to an Arbitration Agreement in Determining Whether the Parties Intention to Arbitrate Should be Enforced
捷安特轻合金科技(昆山)有限公司 v. 雅柯斯(远东)私人有限公司
Giant Light Metal Technology (Kunshan) Co Ltd v. Aksa Far East Pte Ltd
—Common Law Rules on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, and that a Singapore Court Will Recognise and Enforce Judgments of a Chinese Court If the Relevant Requirements are Satisfied
Quoine Pte Ltd v. B2C2 Ltd
xxxii Quoine Pte Ltd v. B2C2 Ltd
—The Applicability of Traditional Contract Law Principles to Contracts Made by Computerised Trading Systems