定 价:¥58.00
作 者: | 厉以宁 |
出版社: | 四川人民出版社 |
丛编项: | |
标 签: | 暂缺 |
ISBN: | 9787220119897 | 出版时间: | 2020-10-01 | 包装: | |
开本: | 32开 | 页数: | 字数: |
相见欢 仪征新城途中, 1947 /002
Tune: Meeting in Delight —During a journey to Xincheng, Yizheng, 1947 /003
木兰花 偕黄叶耘表兄游杭州西湖,1948 /004
Tune: Magnolia
—Touring West Lake in Hangzhou with my cousin Huang Yeyun, 1948 /005
如梦令 沅陵麻溪铺,1949 /006
Tune: Dreamlike Song —Maxipu, Yuanling, 1949 /007
浣溪沙 重游沅陵桃溪坪,1949 /008
Tune: Silk-washing Stream—Revisiting Taoxiping in Yuanling, 1949 /009
七绝 湖南泸溪,1949 /010
A Seven-character Quatrain —Luxi, Hunan, 1949 /011
南歌子 山溪,1950 /012
Tune: A Southern Song—Mountain streams, 1950 /013
钗头凤 湘西,山行,1951 /014
Tune: Phoenix Hairpin—A mountain trip in western Hunan, 1951 /015
南乡子 湖南益阳渡口,1951 /016
Tune: Song of a Southern Country—At the ferry in Yiyang, Hunan, 1951 /017
诉衷情 在长沙接到北京大学录取通知书有感,1951 /018
A Confession—Receiving Peking University Letter of Admission in Changsha, 1951 /019
菩萨蛮 别长沙,1951 /020
Tune: Buddha-like Dancers—Farewell to Changsha, 1951 /021
柳梢青 北京大学沙滩校园白楼法学院图书馆,1951 /022
Tune: Green Willow Twig —Written at the Law School Library in the White Building of Peking University, Shatan Section, 1951 /023
卜算子 冬至日,偕赵辉杰、马雍散步从沙滩到安定门外,1951 /024
Tune: Song of Divination—On Winter Solstice Day, walking with Zhao Huijie and Ma Yong from Shatan to Andingmenwai, 1951 /025
减字木兰花 北河沿,春节,1952 /026
Tune: Magnolia in Shortened Form—Beiheyan, Spring Festival, 1952 /027
西江月 路过海淀冰窖胡同,1952 /028
Tune: The Moon over the West River—Passing Bingjiao Hutong in Haidian district, 1952 /029
桃源忆故人 北京大学迁到西郊后遇见中学同学姚子范,1952 /030
Thinking of an Old Friend in Taoyuan—Meeting my middle-school fellow Yao Zifan after Peking University moved to the western suburb, 1952 /031