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定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 张云 著
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 人文西藏丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508544694 出版时间: 2020-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 114 字数:  


  “人文西藏”丛书旨在通过新手法、新视角,点面结合,立体呈现,讲好中国西藏故事。全套丛书分为两辑:一是“西藏风情”系列:包括《雪域经轮——西藏宗教考释》《藏地风土——西藏民俗趣谈》《物华天宝——西藏艺术掠影》《高原华章——西藏文学撷英》《流年乾坤——西藏历史述略》,全方位描绘西藏风土人情和历史、文化风貌,向国内外读者展示西藏魅力和时代亮色;二是“西藏历史文化名人”系列:包括《松赞干布》《元朝首任帝师八思巴》《九世班禅传》《首席代表阿沛·阿旺晋美》,通过西藏历史人物形象侧面反映西藏社会的演进和转折,让历史人物走进新的历史方位。 The series “Tibet History and Culture” tells the stories about Tibet from a new perspective. It includes such books as A Brief History of Tibet, A Study of Tibetan Religions, Tibetan Folk Customs, Tibetan Literature, A Snapshot of Tibetan Arts, The Biography of Songtsen Gampo, Drogon Chogyal Phagpa: The First Imperial Preceptor of the Yuan Dynasty, The Ninth Panchen Lama: A Biography and Chief Tibetan Delegate Ngabo Ngawang Jigme. 本书全面介绍了历史人物松赞干布的生平伟业,他少年即位,兼并诸部,定都拉萨,统一西藏地区,正式建立吐蕃王朝。他对内厉行改革,完善度量衡制度,创制文字,接纳佛教;对外采取开放态度,通过和亲加强交往交流,学习借鉴汉族文化和周边文明成果,从而促进了吐蕃政治、经济、文化和社会的全面进步。 This book draws a portrait of Songtsen Gampo, a legendary figure who united Tibet for the first time and established the Tubo dynasty. His feats include reforming political and military systems, which ushered in an era of prosperity in Tibet. Since then a set of political, military, economic and legal mechanisms was set up, accelerating an all-round development of Tibetan society.


  张云,历史学博士。中国藏学研究中心历史所原所长、研究员、博士生导师,陕西师范大学人文社会科学高等研究院特聘研究员,四川大学中国藏学研究所学术委员会委员,中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院兼职研究员。“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家人选,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,国家社会科学基金民族学学科规划评审组专家。发表学术论文120 余篇,发表英语、俄语俄语等外语和民族语言藏语译文、译著十余篇(部),出版学术著作独著十余部、合著十余部,担任多卷本《西藏通史》执行总主编。获国家奖励十余项。 Dr. Zhang Yun is former director and a researcher at the Institute of History, China Tibetology Research Center; a guest researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University; a member of the academic committee of the Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University; and a non-resident researcher at the School of Ethnology and Sociology, Minzu University of China. He was also selected into the national-level New Century Talents Project, enjoys special allowance from the State Council, and works as a member of the disciplinary planning and review team of ethnology. He has published more than 120 papers, and more than 10 translation works. He has written more than 10 monographs, co-authored more than 10 books, and acted as the executive editor-in-chief of the multi-volume General History of Tibet. He has also been given more than 10 national-level awards.


1 松赞干布的先祖世系及功业 / 1
雅隆悉补野部的兴起与发展 / 1
吐蕃初次统一青藏高原 / 7
2 松赞干布的少年时代 / 17
充实的少年生活 / 17
临危受命 / 19
3 定都拉萨与修建布达拉宫 / 25
定都拉萨 / 25
修建布达拉宫 / 28
4 统一青藏高原 / 31
与噶尔? 东赞宇松的盟誓及灭象雄 / 31
开疆拓土 / 36
5 结亲四邻 / 47
与泥婆罗王室结亲 / 47
迎娶唐朝文成公主 / 52
与高原各部首领联姻 / 68
6 建立各项制度 / 71
确立职官体制与制度 / 72 建立行政区划 / 76
强化军事制度 / 80
建立法律制度 / 81
加强社会管理 / 84
推进经济制度建设 / 87
7 发展文化事业 / 93
创制统一文字 / 94
扶持佛教 / 99
借鉴外来文化 / 104
8 松赞干布的历史地位 / 107
