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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治中国政治中国知识产权行政管理理论与实践(英)



定 价:¥120.00

作 者: 贺化 著
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119125114 出版时间: 2020-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 277 字数:  






Chapter One Theories of Intellectual Property Administration
Section I Basic Theories of Administration
I. Concept of Administration
II. Characteristics of Administration
III. Methods of Administration
IV. Functions of Administration
Section II Basic Theories of Intellectual Property Administration
I. Overview of Intellectual Property Management
II. Concept and Scope of Intellectual Property Administration
III. Characteristics of Intellectual Property Administration
IV. Functions of Intellectual Property Administration
V. Operating Mechanisms of Intellectual Property Administration
Section III Intellectual Property Administrative Model
I. Essential Elements of Intellectual Property Administrative Model
II. Types of Intellectual Property Administrative Model
Chapter Two Experience of Overseas Intellectual Property Administration
Section I Emphasis on Strategic Management of Intellectual Property
I. Overall Planning and Focusing on Innovative Development Strategies
II. Highlighting Regulation and Advancing Intellectual Property Strategies Steadily
III. Focusing on Protection and Promoting International Strategies for Intellectual Property
Section II Intensification of Macro Administrative Policies
I. Formulation of New Intellectual Property Policies
II. Formulation of Policies for the Transformation and Utilization of Patents
III. Formulation of Preferential Policies for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises
Section III Improvement of Intellectual Property System
I. Revision of the Patent Law
II. Improvement of Systems Relating to Intellectual Property
III. Promotion of the Unitary Patent System
Section IV Optimization of Intellectual Property Public Services
I. Optimization of Patent Examination
II. Reinforcement of Information Service
III. Provision of Advisory Service
IV. Establishment of Service Standards
V. Development of Services for Talents
Section V Intensification of the Supervision of Intellectual Property Rights Protection
I. Reform of the Patent Court System
II. Reform of Intellectual Property Litigation Procedures
Ill. Regulation of Patent Litigation
IV. Strengthening Intellectual Property Administrative Enforcement
Chapter Three Practice and Exploration of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section I Evolution of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section II Current System of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section III Achievements of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section IV Characteristics of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section V Problems and Consequences of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Chapter Four Environmental Analysis of Innovative Development in InteUectual Property Administration in China
Section I Analysis of International Environment in Intellectual Property Administration
Section II Analysis of Domestic Environment in Intellectual Property Administration
Section III SWOT Analysis on Matching Resources and Environment for Intellectual Property Administration in China
Chapter Five Positioning and Vision for Innovative Development of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section I Perspectives on Positioning for Innovative Development of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section II Positioning for Innovative Development of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section III Significance and Principles of Innovative Development of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section IV Vision of Intellectual Property Administration in China
Chapter Six Specific Paths for Innovation in Intellectual Property Administration in China
Section I Deepening Reforms to Establish a Modern Intellectual Property Governance System
Section II Overall Deployment to Strengthen the Macro-Strategic Ad- ministration of InteLlectual Property
Section III Establishment of an Administrative Guidance Mechanism to Enhance the Level of Creativity by Emphasizing Quality
Section IV Prioritization of Benefits to Perfect Market Rules System for the Use of Intellectual Property Rights
Section V Strict Protection to Strengthen Intellectual Property Regulation in Innovation Markets
Section VI Joint Construction to Improve Public Service System for Intellectual Property
Section VII Strengthening Management Tools of Intellectual Property Culture in a Progressive Manner
Section VIII Optimization, Integration, and Rational Allocation of Resources in Intellectual Property Administration
Section IX Multi-faceted Measures to Enhance the Capacity of Intellectual Property Administration
