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作 者: 中国社会科学院国家全球战略智库,国家开发银行研究院 编
出版社: 社会科学文献出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787520156615 出版时间: 2018-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 428 字数:  




  中国社会科学院国家优选战略智库是中国政府2015年底确定的25家高端智库试点单位之一,属于试点单位中靠前政治类专业高端智库。2015年1月20日,中央办公厅、国务院办公厅发布了《关于加强中国特色新型智库建设的意见》。2015年11月9日,总书记主持中央深化改革领导小组8次会议,审议通过了《国家高端智库建设试点工作方案》,确定了25家国家高端智库试点单位。国家优选战略智库由中国社科院副院长、学部委员蔡昉教授担任国家优选战略智库理事长,全国人大外委会主任、资深外交家傅莹大使担任智库首席专家,中国社会科学院亚太与优选战略研究院党委书记、副院长王灵桂研究员担任智库常务副理事长兼秘书长;智库秘书处设在亚太与优选战略研究院。国家优选战略智库主要采取理事会运作模式。国家优选战略智库主要有三大研究方向:优选战略、“一带一路”和周边安全。通过发挥中国社会科学院靠前片八个研究所的研究专长,主要从事一些重大的、战略性、跨区域的问题研究并做出全局判断,同时又能配合国家发展的战略要求,对一些具体问题做深度研究,以便更好地为国家对外战略提供优质的研究成果。国家优选战略智库注重发挥学术影响、社会影响和对策影响等三大方面的作用,研究工作具有三大特征:一是战略性:紧盯中国与世界共同发展的大格局,脚步紧跟时势;二是前瞻性:要开阔眼光,号准世界脉搏;三是对策性:要站稳脚跟,抽丝剥茧,提出的对策建议要有可操作性。智库秉持的宗旨是始自学术,终及国家、世界。自成立以来,在蔡昉理事长和傅莹首席专家的直接领导下,国家优选战略智库致力于同靠前外智库开展学术交流和沟通,合力为优选战略、“一带一路”、周边安全实施和推进提供理论支持、决策参考。经过一段时间的努力,国家优选战略智库取得了一些成效,一批报告引起了国家决策层的高度重视。目前智库已经完成了初步的建设工作,形成了“一体多翼”的发展框架,即以国家优选战略智库为一体,以蓝迪靠前智库项目、烟台东亚研究院、能源中心、“中美联合报告项目”为侧翼,分别开展优选战略研究、周边战略研究、东亚文化研究、能源研究、中美研究等。 国家开发银行研究院自2009年4月成立以来,坚持以智库“软实力”和融资“硬实力”两个产品线服务国家长期发展战略,主要围绕开发性金融实践与理论、宏观研究、“一带一路”建设、对非投资智库联盟、靠前战略、区域经济、行业经济等开展前瞻性、战略性、独立性的研究工作。2017年9月经中央领导同志同意,由全国社规办正式发文明确国开行(研究院)入选国家高端智库培育名单,系金融企业专享一家金融企业智库。国开行研究院聚焦“一带一路”建设实践和理论,充分发挥高端智库优势,与部委、靠前组织、靠前外智库机构等联合开展重大研究,推动落实首届峰会提出的2500亿等值人民币贷款专项项目,推出《“一带一路”经济发展报告》《“一带一路”贸易投资指数报告》《金砖国家可持续发展报告》等系列品牌报告,承办改革开放与中国扶贫靠前论坛,受到中宣部高度赞扬。


Volume 1
?Chinese and Foreign Joint Research Theme Report?
China's Poverty Alleviation: Ideals, Practices and Implications to the World Cai Fang
?Spe Report one?
Reform and opening Up: The Driving Forces of China's Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development
The Road 0of Poverty Alleviation and Development with Chinese Characteristics Wu Guobao
The Historical and Global Significance of Chinese Poverty Alleviation Wen Tiejun, Liu Yahui, Don Xiaodan
Industrialization and Large-scale Poverty Reduction in China: Review and Outlook of the Past 40 years Huang Yanghua
Identifying Rural Poverty in China Michael Frederick Dunford
Towards More Inclusive Growth in China Margit Molnar
China's Experience of Internet-based Targeted Poverty Reduction Qu Qiang
Povertv Reduction in the New Era of Cambodia Sum Chhum Bun
Summary Report on Thailand's Poverty Reduction Program Ptsit Puapan
Agricultural Reforms for Poverty Reduction in Sri Lanka: Learning from Agricultural Reforms in China Manoj Thibbotuwawa Rajakaruna Mudalige
Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Drivers and Remedial Interventions Njuguma Ndung'u
Poverty Eradication Strategies in Botswana Uttum Corea
Dealing with Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century Donald Mmari
Labor Market Regulations, Employment and Poverty: In Search of a Consensus Iyanatul Islam
Enhancing So Responsibility in Public Sector through Application of the Common Assessment Framework Dmitry Maslov, Nick Thijs, Jean-Marc Dochot
?Spe Report Two?
Poverty Reduction in the New Era: China's Poverty Reduction Concepts and Innovative Practices
China's International Development Experience in Poverty Alleviation Multi-objective System and National Development Strategy Gap Yuning, Li Yiyao
Econometric Assessment of the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Poverty in The People's Republic of China Akbar Huseynov
Participatory Governance in Public Provision of Housing in the Philippines Marife M Ballesteros
China's Povertv Reduction vs.Others' Neelam Deo
Poverty: Condition, Cause, Plans and Achievements of Nepal Piyush Shrestha
Economic Transformation: A Novel Model for Poverty Reduction George Boateng
Policies on Poverty Reduction in Belarus Anastacia Bobrova
Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation in Conditions of Sustainable Development of the State Boiko Olena
Poverty in Fiji Neelesh Gounder
Tackling Youth Poverty in Africa through Skills Development and So Protection Alexis Habiyaremye
Attaining the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: A Dream too Far for Africa? Matlotleng Matlou
Poverty Alleviation and the Sino-African Cooperation: Experience-sharing and New Perspectives Bouchra Rahmouni
Volume 2
?Spe Report Three?
International Cooperation in Poverty Reduction: Global Development Finan Institutions' Contribution to International Poverty Reduction and Development
The Raising and Use of China's Poverty Alleviation Fund: Characteristics and Prospects Fu Zhihua
The Market-incubating Role of the Development Finance Institutions from the Perspective of the New Structural Economics Xu Jiajun
Multi-dimensional Anti-poverty Goals after Eliminating Absolute Poverty Zhang Qi, Kong Mei
China's Experience in Reduction of Poverty through Reforms and opening Up: Lessons for Sri Lanka and South Asia Athula Senaratne
A Pacific Perspective Proposed Article NIGS-CASS CDB WB Hiria Ottino, Francois Martel
Access to Finance through a Gendered Scope with Focus on Egypt Adel Elhemaily
Recent Poverty Reduction in Peru: Trends and Drivers Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
China-Africa and the Rural Matrix of Poverty Reduction Mamadou Fall
Uganda Can Draw Inspiration from China for Growth Sidney Miria
International Cooperation on Poverty Reduction: The Role of Development Finance Institutions in International Poverty Reduction Shafqat Kakakhel
?Spe Report Four?
Remarks and Speeches at the International Forum on China's Reform and opening up and Poverty Reduction in Beijing in November 2018
40 Years of Reform and Poverty Reduction: Remarks at the Opening Ceremony by Jim Yong Kim, President of World Bank Group
Remarks at the opening Ceremony by Achim Steiner, Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, Administrator of the United Nations Development Program
Speech at the Opening Ceremony by Gilbert F.Houngbo, President of International Fund for Agricultural Development
Speech at the Opening Ceremony by Liu Yongfu, Minister of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of China
Speech at the Opening Ceremony by Jin Liqun, President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Speech at the Opening Ceremony by Zhu Hexin, Vice Governor of the People's Bank of China
Speech at the Opening Ceremony by Kundapur Vaman Kamath President of New Development Bank
Speech at the Opening Ceremony by Xie Fuzhan, President of the Chinese Academy of So Sciences
Speech at the Opening Ceremony by Zou Jiayi, Vice Minister of Finance of China
Speech at the Closing Ceremony by Lin Yifu, Director of the Center for New Structural Economics of Peking University
