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防控疫情 保障人权(英)

防控疫情 保障人权(英)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 中国人权研究会 著,黄杨勋 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508545103 出版时间: 2021-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 274 字数:  


  该文集由中国人权研究会组稿,收录了2020年初新冠疫情暴发以来国内人权问题研究专家撰写的相关文章28篇,其中27篇已公开发表。全书按主题分为三大部分:“中国抗疫中的人权保障”“反对种族主义、反歧视、反污名化”“共建人类命运共同体”。 该文集的出版将有助于中外读者更全面地从人权保障的角度了解中国抗疫的意义及其成果,同时看清美国等西方国家抗疫不力却污名化中国的真面目,让共建人类命运共同体的理念更加深入人心。 The collection, commissioned by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, includes 28 articles written by domestic experts on human rights issues since the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, of which 27 have been published.The book is divided into three parts by theme: Human Rights Protection during China's Fight against COVID-19, Antiracism, Anti-discrimination and Anti-Stigma and Our Joint Effort to Build a Community with a Shared Future forHumanity. The publication of this collection will help readers both at home and abroad to have a more comprehensive understanding of the significance and achievements of China's fight against COVID-19 from the perspective of human rights protection. At the same time, they will also discern the fact that the United States and other Western countries have failed to fight COVID-19 but have stigmatized China, thus making the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind more popular.


  中国人权研究会是中国人权领域的全国性学术团体,是在联合国经社理事会享有特别咨商地位的非政府组织和联合国非政府组织大会(CONGO)的成员,其宗旨是:研究中外人权理论、历史和现状,普及和宣传人权知识,开展国际交流与合作,促进中国和世界人权事业的健康发展。 China Society for Human Rights Studies is the largest national academic groups in the field of human rights of China. It aims to study the theory, history and status quo about the Chinese and foreign human rights, popularize and promote human rights knowledge, carry out international exchanges and cooperation, and promote the healthy development of China and the world human rights cause.


Part I Human Rights Protection during China’s Fight against COVID-19......... 1
A Battle to Defend the Rights to Life and Health and the Human Rights Concept
Proposed—Six Notes on the Human Rights during the Pandemic / Li Junru......... 2
China’s Anti-pandemic Efforts Protect Basic Human Rights / Zhang Yonghe................. 20
China Protects Human Rights in COVID-19 Response / Liu Huawen............................ 24
Rights to Life and Safety: The Most Fundamental and Reliable Human Right
/ He Zhipeng........................................................................................................... 31
Practices of Human Rights in China and Global Significance Facing the
Challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic / Jia Yujiao...................................................... 35
China Respects Human Rights in Battling COVID-19 / Zhang Yonghe........................... 58
The World Needs to Fight the Outbreak Together / Guo Yanping.................................... 66
China’s Fight against COVID-19 Shows Its Image as a Human Rights Power
/ Liu Ying................................................................................................................. 72
Comparison of Anti-pandemic Efforts Between China and the West Exposed
West’s Hypocrisy on Human Rights Issues / Xu Qiqi........................................... 75
Human Rights Conflicts and Integration in Pandemic Prevention and Control
/ Wang Xigen & Wang Wenjing..................................................................................... 80
On the Right to Life / Zhang Yonghe...............................................................................115
The NIMBY Behavior and Legal Governance in Pandemic Prevention and Control
/ He Shiqing.......................................................................................................... 135
The Basic Human Rights Protection in China’s “Anti-coronavirus” War
/ Human Rights Research Institute of Southwest University of Political Science and Law........... 155
Part II Antiracism, Anti-discrimination and Anti-Stigma................................. 181
Racism and Xenophobia Hinder Global Fight against COVID-19 / Hao Yaming......... 182
Watch Out for Racism, A “Political Virus” / Mao Junxiang........................................... 187
“Discrimination as to Epidemic”—A Ruthless Challenge to Human Rights
/ Wang Xigen......................................................................................................... 192
Anti-stigmatization and Rebuilding Human Rights Culture
/ Qi Yanping & Cao Shengmin .................................................................................... 197
Political Motives Behind Smears against China’s Anti-pandemic Endeavor
/ Li Yunlong............................................................................................................ 217
COVID-19: An Interrogation of Conscience / Mao Junxiang........................................ 223
COVID-19 Reflects the Unites States’ Double Standards on “Human Rights
Protection” / Yang Bochao..................................................................................... 229
A Look at How US Treats Human Rights in the Fight against COVID-19
/ Xiong Yunxuan...................................................................................................... 233
COVID-19 Highlights Racial Inequality in America / Hao Yaming.............................. 238
Protection for Human Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the United States Gets
into Trouble during the Outbreak of COVID-19 / Qian Jinyu............................. 243
Travel Restrictions of Relevant Countries for China Violate the WHO Temporary
Recommendations / Mao Junxiang........................................................................ 248
Part III Our Joint Effort to Build a Community with a Shared Future for
Humanity.......................................................................................................... 253
Politicize COVID-19 or Join Hands to Build a Global Community of Epidemic
Prevention and Control? / Chang Jian.................................................................. 254
Promote Public Health Crisis Governance in Global Risk Society by Upholding the
Concept of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind / Qian Jinyu......... 259
System is Crucial in the Fight against COVID-19 / Xu Yao......................................... 266
Outbreak Response Shows the Differences Between Chinese and Western Human
Rights Cultures / Shang Haiming.......................................................................... 270
