饭山知保,日本东京人,早稻田大学文学学术院教授。主要从事10到17世纪中国北方社会史研究,出版专著《另一种士人:金元时代的华北社会与科举制度》,发表文章包括“ATangut Family's Community Compact and Rituals:Aspects of the Society of North China, ca.1350 to the Present,” Asia Major,27-1,2014;《金元时期北方社会演变与“先茔碑”的出现》,《中国史研究》2015年第4期;“A Career between Two Cultures:Guo Yu,a Chinese Literatus in the Yuan Bureaucracy,” The Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, vol.44, 2014; “Gene-alogical Steles in North China during the Jin and Yuan Dynasties,”The International Journal of Asian Studies, vol.13-2, July, 2016; “Steles and Status: Evidence for the Emergence of a New Elite in Yuan North China,” Journal of Chinese History, vol.1, November,2016等。