The fundamental theories of phase transformations in metals and alloys remain largely unchanged, so the third edition is essentially an expanded version of the second edition with additional material covering some of the more important application developments of the last 17 years. A section addressing the computation of phase diagrams has been added to Chapter 1 and recent developments in metallic glasses have been treated in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 contains most new material: the Scheil method of calculating a CCT diagram from a TTT diagram is now given; the treatment of the nucleation and growth of polygonal ferrite and bainite has been expanded to include new theories, while new case studies cover copper precipitation hardening of very low-carbon bainitic steel and very fine carbide-free bainite were added. In Chapter 6, a more detailed treatment of stress-assisted and strain-induced martensite is included to provide a theoretical background to transformation-induced plasticity(TRIP)steels.