China's Belt and Road Initiative is a project of unprecedented scale.Neverthelcss, know[edge about the potitico[, ocoriomir nnd rcjltural goals and opportunities are Lagging behind.Creating Megatrends presents the narrative of the chances and risks in China's Belt and Road Initiative. In the past, Large shifts in economic. technological and social developments have resulted from trends and ideas beginning bottom up in cities and Loca[ communities. finally forming a Megatrend. No one was in charge. China's Belt and Road Initiative goes the opposite way.China's Initiative offers the strategic framework of reinventing globalization, orchestrated, but Leaving space to maneuver for all p.irticipants. The underlying principal is sharing: China's own exponcnce, its economic Succoss story of developing through investments in road.rait and port networks,andsmart ec o[ogical citics. It isworking with nations, involving advanced technologies, management experience. It is stabililing Volatile reqions and COuntrics by helping thcm to find their own approach to progress and development.Belt and Road Initiative is creating the infrastructure and connectivity needed to Link communities and create and Leverage on economic opportunities for state and private investment, entrepreneurs and workmen. At the same time, involving smart infrastructure, clean energy and ecological cities, the Initiative calls for protection of environment and heritage as part of a cultural exchange.These high set goals cannot be reach without creating a new and solid foundation aside of the o[d Bretton Woods System. Belt and Road Initiative is developing a new model of global governance, a new financiaL architecture, new financial institutions and multilateral development banks.More than 60 percent of the world's population in more than a hundred nations are involved. Crpating Megatrends highlights the opportunities, challenges and risks th:s grand and experimontal project is facing.