如何解决和平赤字,贡献和平智慧,提出和平方案,成为世界各国共同面临的时代问卷。《全球和平的中国方案》一书系统阐述中国倡导的人类命运共同体思想,这是谋求实现持久和平、共同繁荣的“中国方案”,更是推动全球治理秩序向着公正合理方向发展的新全球化理念。人类命运共同体思想开创了基于共同利益基础上的全球发展道路,致力于基于共同价值基础上的全球文明理论,建立起基于共同责任基础上的全球治理架构,其主旨在于弘扬和平、发展、合作、共赢的理念,超越不同国家、不同民族和不同宗教之间的隔阂、纷争和冲突,建设一个更加和平、更具包容、更加美好的世界。 Peace is the eternal dream of humanity regardless of racial and religious di erences. In today’s world rife with con icts of all kinds, the question of how to achieve world peace has become more urgent than ever before. In China and Global Peace, Zhao Kejin traces the root of the peace de cit to the Eurocentric mindsets underpinning the dominant forces of globalization, and presents Chinese thought as an alternative solution for global peace based on an analysis of traditional Chinese philosophies on peace and harmony. e book outlines China’s e orts to pave a new path toward global peace by o ering a slew of new concepts and initiatives aimed to promote open, inclusive, balanced, and equal development across the world, such as building a human community with a shared future, the Belt and Road Initiative, a holistic concept of security, and a new approach to global governance.