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建筑实用英语(第3版 微课版)

建筑实用英语(第3版 微课版)

定 价:¥44.00

作 者: 韩薇,王宝华 编
出版社: 大连理工大学出版社
丛编项: 十二五职业教育国家规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568526432 出版时间: 2020-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 207 字数:  


  《建筑实用英语(第3版 微课版)》共八个单元,每个单元都围绕中外建筑史上经典的时代背景知识和职场专业技能主题交织展开。每个单元包含五个部分:听说、精读、泛读、语法及拓展实训。五部分环环相扣,集听、说、读、写、译为一体,确保学生各项语言能力的协调发展。听说部分语料注重建筑类相关知识和人文知识的融合,融语言知识、语言技能、情感态度和文化意识于一体;为培养学生自主学习能力,精读和泛读部分均增加了含音标、词性和释义的词汇表,针对文章中的长难句都做了详细分析,每篇文章后均有相应习题,习题内容贴近文章主题,从考察学生词汇、语法、翻译、


暂缺《建筑实用英语(第3版 微课版)》作者简介


Unit 1 Ancient Chinese Architecture
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:Architectural Philosophy in China
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A Ancient Chinese Architecture
Part 3 Extensive Reading
Text B The Great Wall
Part 4 Grammar
Tenses and Voices
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:Industrial Buildings
2.Target Task
Unit 2 The Trend for Constructions in China
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:Beijing National Stadium
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A Features of Chinese Folk Residences
Part 3 Extenxive Reading
Text B Suzhou Museum
Part 4 Grammar
Declarative Sentences & Interrogative Sentences
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:Civil Buildings
2.Target Task
Unit 3 The European Art of Building
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:Our New Project
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A Medieval European Architecture
Part 3 Extenxive Reading
Text B Neoclassical Architecture
Part 4 Grammar
Imperative Sentences & Exclamatory Sentences
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:Envelop Enclosure
2.Target Task
Unit 4 American Architectural Styles
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:Favorite Architect
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A The Development of the American Constructions
Part 3 Extenxive Reading
Text B Famous Architects
Part 4 Grammar
Sentence Patterns
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:A Standard Floor Plan
2.Target Task
Unit 5 The Architectural Art in Asia
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:A Successful Trip
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A Taipei 101 Building in China
Part 3 Extenxive Reading
Text B Buildings in Ancient Kyoto,Japan
Part 4 Grammar
Noun Clauses
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:Steel Structure
2.Target Task
Unit 6 Masterpieces of Ancient Chinese Architecture
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:Ancient Chinese Architecture in Beijing
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A Irrigation Works and Chain Bridges
Part 3 Extenxive Reading
Text B The Summer Palace
Part 4 Grammar
Attributive Clauses
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:Model Tender for Construction Work
2.Target Task
Unit 7 Spectacular Ancient Relics in the World
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:Pyramids and Temples
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A Egyptian Pyramids
Part 3 Extenxive Reading
Text B Famous Ancient Relics in the World
Part 4 Grammar
Adverbial Clauses
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:Building Construction
2.Target Task
Unit 8 Ecology and Architecture
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Topic:An Interview About Green Buiding
Part 2 Intensive Reading
Text A Better City,Better Life
Part 3 Extenxive Reading
Text B Konarka Power Plastic
Part 4 Grammar
Subjunctive Mood
Part 5 Extended Training
1.Reading:Intelligent Building System
2.Target Task
Appendix Architectural Technical Terms 建筑工程参考术语
Bibliography 参考文献
